Rehoming Surprise Gifted Conure


New member
May 11, 2024
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A black capped conure
Hello, I was looking for resources or anyone in the Cleveland Ohio area that has been looking to own a Conure for a while. My ex (right before they dumped me) bought me a parrot as a surprise gift when they knew I was looking to join the Air Force in 6 months, I feel really guilty about this, but at the time I did not have the balls to decline the gift which I understand is my fault. I have had him for a month, I was told he is 3 or 4 months old and is a black capped conure. His name is Goober. I am looking for other sites I can post this on or some interested party looking to adopt him after they have been vetted by me. I want to rehome him sooner than later because I can tell he is already getting attached to me and each second that goes by I feel guiltier and guiltier (I do not want to give him more trauma than what is already going to happen). I love taking care of him but it is so painful looking at him knowing I can't keep him or I would have to sacrifice my future taking care of him (2k boarding a month while in military). I was gifted a medium size cage with him (only good enough for sleeping or specific moments... etc) and some natural perches, and I have some more Harrison pellets left. Please let me know some more steps I can take and if anyone is interested. Thank you, and please feel free to ask questions,

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