Rehoming Northern Virginia Conures


New member
Oct 15, 2012
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We are unfortunately having to part with our Sun Conure (Fruti) and Green Cheek Conure (Tuti). We recently had our first child and are already expecting our second and we both work. We just don't have the time to give these great parrots the attention they deserve.

The Sun Conure is 1 years old and the Green Cheek is 2 years old. They live in the same cage and get along perfect together. They are both females and can't be without each other, which is why I am letting them go together.

The re-homing fee includes the cage, food, toys, and carry and go smaller cage. I want to insure they go to a good home so please make sure you are able to care for them. They are very friendly once they get to know you and love being around you. They can fly and their wings are not clipped.

We can discuss rehoming fee later, just want to insure they go to a good home.

Thank you.



Best of luck. They are adorable!
I'm sorry you have to make this decision. Your birds are gorgeous, I hope you find the perfect home for them.
Thank you both. Its very hard. Even my 7 month old boy loves them. He was in moms tummy hearing them.
Check the date on that thread.

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