Rehoming GCC after 5 years :(


New member
Sep 16, 2017
I've had Yogi for 5 years and due to a change in my job I feel it's best to rehome him. Im typing this through so many tears. He means everything to me but I feel that it's not fair to him. I am only able to spend 2-3 hours per day with him and he deserves so much more. Im in ohio and am looking to rehome him to someone that has the time for him.
Welcome to the forums, I'm sorry about the circumstances that brought you here. You know your bird better than anyone, I don't want to interfere with a decision made in the best interest of your bird but maybe you could make the new circumstances work. After five years, I'm sure you have a deep bond with your GCC, parrots get deeply attached, transitions to new families, homes and caregivers can be as emotional for them as it is for us. Best of luck, I hope you find a solution that works for both you and your feathered friend.
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Thank you for the kind words. I just feel that he has so many more years to live and i want those years to be as good as possible for him. There is no way for me to change my work hours and he is just alone too much. Its not fair to him :(
Sorry do not want to push you if your mind is firmly made up but sometimes we cannot see the wood for the trees.

Do you have any friends or family that Yogi can either be visited by or go stay some daytimes to break the working week up a bit? We have members on here who work full time and they make it work with their birds. Things like leaving the TV, Youtube , bird videos or radio on help some. Loads of toys and foraging toys keep them occupied. Chances are once Yogi gets the measure of your new hours he will sleep some of the day and stay up later to be with you. The key is to make the hours together really count, get out (harness or back pack) with your bird and socialise, they love it and it does them good. I am here with Plum all day and goodness he's asleep half of it LOL. You could try for a period of time to see how it works out?

Please do not think there is pressure there is not, your decision is respected but just wanted to see if every angle has been explored. Want any tips from those working members just post a new thread in an appropriate forum OK? Good luck.
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Thank you it has been a couple of weeks and he wont stay up any later than 6:30-7 pm. The few hours we spend together are quality time but i feel it is just not enough. As much as i dont want to rehome him i feel selfish because he deserves so much more. I've tried music and has lots of toys and foraging activities but he simply just needs more interaction. I also don't have anyone else that can spend time with him. I really feel rehoming him is best. He has so many more years to live and he deserves the best.
Last suggestion honestly.

Is there anyone in the area that likes birds but does not want the full time responsibility and costs. They are happy to have him during the day? Do you have an on-line neighbourhood forum to subscribe to? One way of putting a message up and possibly making new birdie interested friends. A retired lady (for example) with time on her hands who would love some daytime company but not really up to full time commitment? Could be a win, win? These things often don't just fall in your lap, they need to be looked for?

I have found it is amazing how many folk actually have birds in their homes and I had not a clue. If you have to say goodbye to Yogi I am very sorry and wish you luck. :)

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