Rehomed Yellow-naped Amazon is inscrutable


Supporting Vendor
Oct 9, 2016
Reaction score
Middle of nowhere (kentuckianna)
Roommates include Gus, Blue and gold macaw rescue and Coco, secondhand amazon
The better half took her in a couple three years or so ago. It seems like ten, but the last couple years have gone on for decades and I lose track. Her owner had dogs, and Coco never got out of her cage. It’s still hard to let her out. She only wants to walk to the front door and attack the shoes there, then go under the washing machine platform and attack cardboard. She won’t sit on a cage or a play stand. She bites! He can take her sightseeing around the house, but she won’t sit with us. She likes to chew wood toys. The thing is, she’s just unreadable. She doesn’t seem interested in interacting with people. I get the feeling she would only be happy with another Amazon. Can’t say I blame her, but we aren’t Amazons, and I wish she would at least see us as flock-mates. It would be nice to be able to take her into another room with us, or play with toys together. She’s just really hot-blooded. She’s 180 degrees from the blue-front and I can’t guess whether or not she is happy.
Any ideas about how to encourage her to be more interactive and part of the family? Or are some YNs just like this? Is this what a happy yellow nape does? Or at this age, late teens, is she set in her personality?
She loves having her head scratched, and when her hooman was out of town for a few days she asked me to do it. She’s not antisocial, it’s like she just belongs completely to herself and there’s nothing we have that she wants. Except nuts, she wants those.
Coco is a beauty, you rescued her from abysmal circumstances. She may be hard-wired for inscrutable personality, perhaps survivor of unknowable PTSD. Three years well past honeymoon period, do you detect any meaningful progress or has she plateaued?
Your an old timer here, you know the drill. Read and read again the Amazon Body Language, and I Love Amazons threads on the Amazon forum. I suggest that to include her in meal times with your human family. Serve her dinner same time as you have yours, that might help her incorporate you all into her flock.

If she loves nuts, thats a big deal since that becomes your training tool. Start by only using them for training for step up, and progress to other more interactive actions, like shake hands, wave hello, spinning around. The more you work with her the more socialized she will become. keep in mind the 3 rules I always recommend.
Be consistent in how you ask for the action, also helps to have a set time to train.
Be immediate - reward immediately after there is any progress or completion of the action
Be patient! Build on past success, expect some backdrafting. Start small. Build to big.

Remember, Amazons are the come back kids of the parrot world; there's a 'zon that wants and needs a flock hiding in there! I would not get another amazon, thats a path fraught with paths that may not lead to a happier parrot.
Your an old timer here, you know the drill. Read and read again the Amazon Body Language, and I Love Amazons threads on the Amazon forum. I suggest that to include her in meal times with your human family. Serve her dinner same time as you have yours, that might help her incorporate you all into her flock.

If she loves nuts, thats a big deal since that becomes your training tool. Start by only using them for training for step up, and progress to other more interactive actions, like shake hands, wave hello, spinning around. The more you work with her the more socialized she will become. keep in mind the 3 rules I always recommend.
Be consistent in how you ask for the action, also helps to have a set time to train.
Be immediate - reward immediately after there is any progress or completion of the action
Be patient! Build on past success, expect some backdrafting. Start small. Build to big.

Remember, Amazons are the come back kids of the parrot world; there's a 'zon that wants and needs a flock hiding in there! I would not get another amazon, thats a path fraught with paths that may not lead to a happier parrot.
You are right, thanks for the reminder, I thought I knew something about Amazons from Oliver, but it seems he was exceptional. You could SEE that bird figuring something out, and once it was figured, he had it down. Coco just seems to be a wanderer. She wants to walk everywhere and look at things. OMG, she’s just like me, I only want to drive around in a car and see things, national parks, museums, neon signs on 66, and the people along the way are nice but not essential. Crap. So it’s not necessarily a yellow-nape thing, it is probably hard wired into her brain by now. She does like nuts. She almost knows how to raise her wings and say I LOVE you for a nut, so maybe I can start there. If only she weren’t already overweight- the vet wants her to lose weight. Maybe I can see if she will eat some chop and fruit in the mornings with me.
Thanks again, I was secretly hoping for a magic oh-here’s-the-yellow-nape-secret-password but it’s all just plain old time and energy. Wish us luck!
The better half took her in a couple three years or so ago. It seems like ten, but the last couple years have gone on for decades and I lose track. Her owner had dogs, and Coco never got out of her cage. It’s still hard to let her out. She only wants to walk to the front door and attack the shoes there, then go under the washing machine platform and attack cardboard. She won’t sit on a cage or a play stand. She bites! He can take her sightseeing around the house, but she won’t sit with us. She likes to chew wood toys. The thing is, she’s just unreadable. She doesn’t seem interested in interacting with people. I get the feeling she would only be happy with another Amazon. Can’t say I blame her, but we aren’t Amazons, and I wish she would at least see us as flock-mates. It would be nice to be able to take her into another room with us, or play with toys together. She’s just really hot-blooded. She’s 180 degrees from the blue-front and I can’t guess whether or not she is happy.
Any ideas about how to encourage her to be more interactive and part of the family? Or are some YNs just like this? Is this what a happy yellow nape does? Or at this age, late teens, is she set in her personality?
Look up Parrot Kibdergarten. It's AMAZING. I've had my YNA since he was 2 months old, he was 12 in May. I thought I understood all about him: I was wrong!
Look up Parrot Kibdergarten. It's AMAZING. I've had my YNA since he was 2 months old, he was 12 in May. I thought I understood all about him: I was wrong!
You mean the FaceBook group parrot kindergarten?
Sorry, I am so very late to the discussion here! Been overly busy with some kind of Saga. But anyway!

The truth is: There is an Amazon in there that is looking for his /her group and because of the pass, its going to be slow, very slow in find a way out into the Sun!

As you know, my history is with Older Amazons, most suffering a lifetime of being shut-away and having to find some kind of method to keep their huge minds from going crazy. Amazons have this Zone that they can enter and contemplate the universe. Point bringing with so many years safeguarding from the physical World around, they slide deeply within. Will they come out? YES!! But as you had stated it just takes time and for us, sadly, a very long time. Days, become months, months become years, years become decade! But there is a lover inside there and with very tiny steps they will come-out!!

Assure your Amazon is placed where the Humans are!! Where in the safety of the cage or a perch near the outer edge, Assure they are Always there physically! And, if a tiny door opens, welcome it with Great Joy! Sometimes in maybe only an eye blink or a turn of the head your way! They are tiny doors and enjoy them.

Think of your Amazon as the Strong Silent Type!!
Never give-up as there is a Lover in there!!

I assure you that it will be worth all your effort, every single moment! As the joy of those tiny moments become truly huge when they occur!

Again, Sorry for being so very late!!
Cheers Good Friend!
Sorry, I am so very late to the discussion here! Been overly busy with some kind of Saga. But anyway!

The truth is: There is an Amazon in there that is looking for his /her group and because of the pass, its going to be slow, very slow in find a way out into the Sun!

As you know, my history is with Older Amazons, most suffering a lifetime of being shut-away and having to find some kind of method to keep their huge minds from going crazy. Amazons have this Zone that they can enter and contemplate the universe. Point bringing with so many years safeguarding from the physical World around, they slide deeply within. Will they come out? YES!! But as you had stated it just takes time and for us, sadly, a very long time. Days, become months, months become years, years become decade! But there is a lover inside there and with very tiny steps they will come-out!!

Assure your Amazon is placed where the Humans are!! Where in the safety of the cage or a perch near the outer edge, Assure they are Always there physically! And, if a tiny door opens, welcome it with Great Joy! Sometimes in maybe only an eye blink or a turn of the head your way! They are tiny doors and enjoy them.

Think of your Amazon as the Strong Silent Type!!
Never give-up as there is a Lover in there!!

I assure you that it will be worth all your effort, every single moment! As the joy of those tiny moments become truly huge when they occur!

Again, Sorry for being so very late!!
Cheers Good Friend!
Amazon's are truly amazing..after 31 years I'm still learning and loving the joy with one very special Blue Front. BTW I love the picture of asking for a skritch !

Sorry, I am so very late to the discussion here! Been overly busy with some kind of Saga. But anyway!

The truth is: There is an Amazon in there that is looking for his /her group and because of the pass, its going to be slow, very slow in find a way out into the Sun!

As you know, my history is with Older Amazons, most suffering a lifetime of being shut-away and having to find some kind of method to keep their huge minds from going crazy. Amazons have this Zone that they can enter and contemplate the universe. Point bringing with so many years safeguarding from the physical World around, they slide deeply within. Will they come out? YES!! But as you had stated it just takes time and for us, sadly, a very long time. Days, become months, months become years, years become decade! But there is a lover inside there and with very tiny steps they will come-out!!

Assure your Amazon is placed where the Humans are!! Where in the safety of the cage or a perch near the outer edge, Assure they are Always there physically! And, if a tiny door opens, welcome it with Great Joy! Sometimes in maybe only an eye blink or a turn of the head your way! They are tiny doors and enjoy them.

Think of your Amazon as the Strong Silent Type!!
Never give-up as there is a Lover in there!!

I assure you that it will be worth all your effort, every single moment! As the joy of those tiny moments become truly huge when they occur!

Again, Sorry for being so very late!!
Cheers Good Friend!
Sorry I just now saw your wonderful post. Yes, I am sure one day a change is going to come. She just needs something to engage her mind…maybe she could submit a CV to the Yellow Nape Law Firm!
That is clearly one way to invite her out into the World around her. It is just a day-by-day thing that at some point, a step is take and those small moments build with time. Yellow-Nape Law appears to be starting in early April 2022. Hope to see you and here as part of that continuation.
Sorry I just now saw your wonderful post. Yes, I am sure one day a change is going to come. She just needs something to engage her mind…maybe she could submit a CV to the Yellow Nape Law Firm!
I had always thought Amy was just not interested in things..didn't really play with toys,not loud except in early am or pm (quite vocal talking to BB) and just hanging out on his play pen..untill this summer. I keep asking him what he has done with the real Amy. This summer we have gone on a lot more adventures then ever. To the local park to fly my drone or have lunch,sitting at a picnic table sharing french fries ( no salt!) or a chicken leg bone. We've been to Cumberland Farms so much that if I go a lone I'm asked "where's Amy??" The point doesn't matter where we go or for how long. Just riding thru town peaks his interest. I constantly talk to him asking if he saw the lady pushing the stroller or the boy on the bike or guy walking his doggo's. And he LOOKS as I point these things out to him and at times he responds in Amazon Speak! Can't make out what he is telling me but the tone/inflections in his voice make me LOL. At times it sounds like he is asking a question or making a statement. He gets playful/lovey only in the car. Often rubbing his beaky up and down my cheek or ever so gently nibbling/tugging my ear lobe or throwing my sunglasses to the floor.
Years ago Al/Salty gave him a "Salty Perch" pvc pipe with twine wrapped around that I bungee to the passenger seat,Amy would perch on it a a few minutes and I would see him stretching his neck..he couldn't see out the windows! After a few minutes he'd climb across the center console to climb up to my should...a much better view of his world lol.
He knows when the adventure is over,he's been outside enough to know/recognize where he lives. Before exiting his chariot he always coo's in my ear,I I honestly believe it'd his way of saying "thanks Dad for an awesome time" I believe these adventures truly stimulate his mind coz he certainly not like this when in the house.

K I think your right..your girl just needs stimulation,it has done miracles for my boy :-) It brings joy and happiness to my heart seeing him so excited as we go thru life together,one adventure at a time.
Maybe I should sell the Harley and buy a small RV,we could really go adventuring then lol.


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