rehomed birds


New member
Nov 20, 2015
Jenks-RFM 13 yrs, Mox-BTM 9 mos, Widget-RB2 11mos, Artie-WCpi 17 years, Khalessi-BWpi 4 yrs, Winslow-Meyers 6 yrs
I've been looking at craigslist lately and previously I don't remember seeing listings for Pionus but the last month I've seen several blue headed pionus listed. Both I've inquired with are around 3-5 years old and had been acquired in the last several months. I'm just curious if others have noticed that birds get re-homed after only a few months in a new home and if so, is there a typical reason or just "too busy/too sick to care for another" kind of things?? I know dogs and cats get "flipped" a lot, but birds??
I think you have to be consistent with birds . What I think happens is a lot of people dont keep up with their part . Then the bird gets upset and problems start ,they dont want to deal with.Like biting ,screaming plucking . Just my opinion. Most my birds are rehomes and I was not impressed but all but one . I could see exactly how things were not good .
I just think it's a coincidence you're seeing several BHP at once. Pi's are so independent and easygoing, unless they have hormones kick up. I think a lot of people rehome when a bird starts becoming mature and hormonal, and starts presenting behavioral challenges that it didn't have as a baby, and many people get intimidated and don't know how to handle that.
Sadly, I think birds get rehomed way too often.People think they are pretty, bring them home, and when the honeymoon period is over they decide that a bird wasn't for them. It breaks my heart.
If the rehome is after a couple of months, I generally think the human was not committed to the relationship (and the bird is paying the price.)
I was recently at a local pet shop who had sold a Meyer's parrot. The next day, I went in again and was surprised that the little guy was back. I asked what happened and they said that the family who took him home brought him back the very next day saying he was too loud! I'm sorry, but if it took you less than 24 hours to decide the bird was loud you obviously had no idea what you were getting yourself in to! Sadly, like others have mentioned birds are "pretty" and "cool" when you see them sitting at a pet shop or on someone's shoulder, but they are much more work than many people know. Believe it or not, I still have surprised looks when I tell people my bird is out almost the entire time we are home! People may think bird+cage=fish+tank, and get caught off guard when it's not like that!
I was recently at a local pet shop who had sold a Meyer's parrot. The next day, I went in again and was surprised that the little guy was back. I asked what happened and they said that the family who took him home brought him back the very next day saying he was too loud! I'm sorry, but if it took you less than 24 hours to decide the bird was loud you obviously had no idea what you were getting yourself in to! Sadly, like others have mentioned birds are "pretty" and "cool" when you see them sitting at a pet shop or on someone's shoulder, but they are much more work than many people know. Believe it or not, I still have surprised looks when I tell people my bird is out almost the entire time we are home! People may think bird+cage=fish+tank, and get caught off guard when it's not like that!

Over two decades ago, I had experience with finches, but I wanted my first parrot :). I went to a little bird shop in Los Angeles (which is no longer there). I told the owner what I was looking for. She said "I know just the parrot for you! You'll love him". She said "he's not here right now, a family with kids bought him recently and it's not working out, so they're returning him". Thank goodness... Robin my Red Bellied parrot has been my soulmate ever since.

LOL, the Meyer's (another Poi) is not what you'd call loud. They obviously have no idea what loud from a parrot is!
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They thought the red bellied parrot was LOUD?! oh my. I found out what LOUD was in high school, my best friend's mom got an M2 and I'd spend the night/weekend there and he'd do his sundowning routine... THAT is loud. I found I could not live with that... sorry toos. I like the sound of finches or canaries, but for some reason budgies and cockatiels annoy me with their constant twitters. *shrug* And the conure screech hurts my ears, so those aren't for me either. Zons and Macaws I can handle if they are short in bursts... which is why I love PIONUS.... typically only short bursts and not at ear shattering levels. My husky on the other hand, seems to take exception when the Pi's do the "pionus call" She'll howl, they'll call back, and on it goes.... gah.
LOL, the Meyer's (another Poi) is not what you'd call loud. They obviously have no idea what loud from a parrot is!

Right?? Usually when someone wants a quiet bird, it's the Poi's that are recommended. Well, in the end it's probably a good thing that both birds were returned shortly after. Yours ended up in a loving home and hopefully the same will happen to the little Meyer's :)
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