Please help! Disese/Illness?
My peach-faced agapornis turned red and cherry red after I bought him. Is it a sign of illness?
He showed no sign of illness for 3 years, yet it just seems odd. My first parrot turned red when he was young, but came back to normal soon. This one though looked like fischer with a white beak (some sort of strange breed I assumed) when I bought him. I bought him 3 years ago, that's when the color change began. His feathers are otherwise clean and good looking (though he doesn't bath). He won't eat any fruit/ vegetable, so I give him vitamins in his food. Is the color change normal for his age, a mutation or a liver problem, as I've heared people say. (then again, he has had this color for almost 3 years now). His name is Darius.
My peach-faced agapornis turned red and cherry red after I bought him. Is it a sign of illness?
He showed no sign of illness for 3 years, yet it just seems odd. My first parrot turned red when he was young, but came back to normal soon. This one though looked like fischer with a white beak (some sort of strange breed I assumed) when I bought him. I bought him 3 years ago, that's when the color change began. His feathers are otherwise clean and good looking (though he doesn't bath). He won't eat any fruit/ vegetable, so I give him vitamins in his food. Is the color change normal for his age, a mutation or a liver problem, as I've heared people say. (then again, he has had this color for almost 3 years now). His name is Darius.
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