Red factor sun conures


New member
Sep 3, 2013
So just was doing some research about red factors, apparently very rare. I found an online posting for 2 red factor babies , $600 each. The "breeder" says the parents are 1 red factor and 1 regular sun. They've had 50/50 success for making red factors in three years. Just sounds fishy to me.
Do they have pictures of the parents? If you are interested in red factors amysaviary has two red factor pairs but neither have had babies yet since she just set them up. The Wait list is super long though!

Not sure about that listing! Especially if they are not a breeder with reviews telling you about if they are legit or not. Amy is selling hers for 600 just like the listing though so the pricing is probably right.
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I wouldn't consider them very rare. I've seen a few. It's just selective breeding. You take birds with the largest amount of red and breed them to other birds with a large amount of red and keep doing that until you have birds that are very red.

Why does it sound fishy?
Ya, they aren't rare.

You can't breed two red factor sun conures together, either. It is a dominant accumulative gene, and when you breed two red factors together you could end up with "double factor" reds which have a life expectancy, at best, of 6 months.

So in order to produce red factor offspring, you mate a red factor to a normal sun, and indeed you should get about 50/50 red factors and normals. The intensity of the red can also vary between individuals produced by a pair. Some can be extremely red, some hardly red and some in between.

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