Red beak turned into half black


New member
Jun 16, 2018
My Indian ringneck has had this discoloration for about 4 months. It could have been malnutrition when he was on a only seed diet. I have switched him to a pelleted diet that has zupreem. I also give him some seed and apples. Idk if it is going away or if it’s just staying the same. Help me. image.jpg
Some ringnecks have black on their beaks, it’s nothing to worry about and may or may not change with age.

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I wonder if there's any chance that your ringneck is actually a hybrid, and the darker coloration is a sign of said hybridization.
I wonder if there's any chance that your ringneck is actually a hybrid, and the darker coloration is a sign of said hybridization.

A good observation, though I don't think so, as many IRN's have beaks like this, at least that I've seen. I don't believe that it has anything to do with hybridization, but SilverSage is definitely the person to ask this question to, as she is a long-time breeder of these guys...But in my personal experience, this is a very common trait to IRN's, and isn't anything at all to worry about...
I have an ARN with a dark beak.... and many people thought she was an IRN... so maybe it's possible that the parents were two different subspecies but the person who bred them thought they were the same subspecies?

OR MABYE the bird isn't an IRN at all but is an ARN?!?!!?


It’s true that ARNs have a much darker beak than typical IRNs, and hybrids are likely to have a dark beak. However IRNs often have varying amounts of dark on their beak especially (but not only) when they have a structural mutation such as grey or violet. Like I said sometimes the beak color changes with age, sometimes it doesn’t, but a darkened beak is not any reason to suspect hybridization unless it is accompanied by other factors such as extremely small body size or abnormal ring coloration. Here is an example of a blue IRN with a darkened beak.

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The Rb's beak went from pinkish to black when he was about 6-9 months. Nobody told me, and this was when dinosaurs roamed the earth (before the internet), so it scared me to death before I could contact the breeder. Patagonians weren't (and aren't) common, so even my vet didn't know (not an avian vet... there weren't any in New Mexico).

It's really a striking beak. I do hope it's perfectly healthy!

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