Ranting and Raving


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
I have just got to vent all my rage here, against what you ask, well COMPUTERS, (and yes before some smart alec points out it IS the computers fault and not mine,) they can do anything, but will they tell me when I've spent all day on one piece of graphic work that its all wrong, NO it just sits here laughing at me and my rage. :mad: Well I feel so much better now that I've vented. I'll go back and beat this computer at its own game. I'll win this war. And believe me IT IS WAR. :D
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Its now 7.30 pm and I'm starting the work again. Could be a long night. :D
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Thanks NZ and good morning to you. Its now nearly 10.00pm here and I think the computers won for now. :mad: I'll sneak up on the thing in the morning and act so quick I'll worry it. :D Maybe even get things right, if I start afresh.
Have you flicked the computer out a window yet? :p My computer is the exact same way sometimes. Stupid things!!!
You should all get Macintosh computers ... macs have fewer issuse than PCs ...
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Oh yeah, totally confused the putor this morning, I snuck up on it at 3.30am and got the work done in a matter of mins, So from now on, its early morning work only for me, the putor doesn't realise whats going on then, and is too tired to mess everything up. :D

Tex, have to stick with pc's cos when I mess it up by fiddling, I can then call my brother who comes and puts everything right again. :D Yep I'm one of those women who has to fiddle with things, even when I don't know what they do, or especially when I don't know what they do.

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