Random Maya Update (photo and video heavy!)


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Dec 18, 2013
Maya (Female Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Jolly (Male Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Bixby (Male, red-sided eclectus. RIP), Suzie (Male cockatiel. RIP)
Been a while since I did an update on my little ekkie flock, so here goes.

Maya first. My sweet diva will be turning 3 at the end of this month, and right on schedule her hormones have arrived. Lol! No major disruptions thus far, due mostly to the fact that I don't allow her on the floor. (She would immediately dive straight under the nearest couch and try to establish a nest area.) She did, however, bite me for the first time!

Not fun.

But it was just the once, thankfully. And now I put her down to cool off at the first sign that she's looking to regurgitate for me. (It's when she's really wound up that a bite can happen.)

Anyhow, onto pics and video.

Maya pre-bath. (This is the look she gets when she hears the sound of the shower. Every time. Lol)

And after. (The only time you'll EVER find the diva's feathers in disarray!)

And here's a video taken during chop preparation. I often have the birds do little tricks to keep them occupied while I work. But the objective is for them to stay on their training perches and not on me until I'm done. Maya obviously disagrees.
[ame="https://youtu.be/JvuB3-AYGuw"]Tricky Maya - YouTube[/ame]

And here's video of Maya learning to place a ring into my hand. She picked it up rather quickly, so I'm proud of her. [ame="https://youtu.be/dNhnK5l6IVM"]Maya Ring Placement - YouTube[/ame]
These were great !!! :)
Great job Stephen! Thanks for the update. Wow, they're both gorgeous birds. Absolutely perfect looking! :)
What a nice update (except that part where she bit you:p)! How do Maya and Jolly get along? Both look very fluffy and soft:D
HT, what a wonderful update!!! I have missed seeing the beautiful Maya, and love it that Jolly made an appearance as well:)
They are both literally glowing with health, and look so happy:) Maya seemed quite proud of herself with the ring!
MORE MORE MORE!!!! Pretty Please?
Keep them coming Stephen :). Maya is gorgeous! Clearly she feels the same about you if she's trying to put a ring on it :40:
NIIIICE!!!!!! :D I love seeing updates on your eye candy...I mean Ekkis.

Sorry to hear Maya nailed you in a hormonal rage, but you seem to really have that under control. KUDOS!!! :)

And yes, more pics and footage, pretty please with both Maya and Jolly on top? :D
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These were great !!! :)
Thank you!

Great job Stephen! Thanks for the update. Wow, they're both gorgeous birds. Absolutely perfect looking! :)

You're welcome, Lady Jules! And thank you! I'll relay your message to the speedster and the diva both!
What a nice update (except that part where she bit you[emoji14])! How do Maya and Jolly get along? Both look very fluffy and soft:D
Thank you, April!

Maya and Jolly can get along in spurts. But inevitably Maya gets a little annoyed with Mr. Jay and the fussing begins. For the most part, though, Jolly just flies off.
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HT, what a wonderful update!!! I have missed seeing the beautiful Maya, and love it that Jolly made an appearance as well:)
They are both literally glowing with health, and look so happy:) Maya seemed quite proud of herself with the ring!
MORE MORE MORE!!!! Pretty Please?

Thank you, Terr!

Hahaha! Yes, Maya was quite pleased with herself. Sometimes she also enjoys messing with me by letting the ring touch my hand and then immediately taking it back. ROTFL! Parrots definitely have something akin to a sense of humor.

I'LL definitely see about adding some more, my friend.
Keep them coming Stephen :). Maya is gorgeous! Clearly she feels the same about you if she's trying to put a ring on it :40:
Thanks, Chris!

Hahahahahaha! High comedy! Good one!

NIIIICE!!!!!! :D I love seeing updates on your eye candy...I mean Ekkis.

Sorry to hear Maya nailed you in a hormonal rage, but you seem to really have that under control. KUDOS!!! :)

And yes, more pics and footage, pretty please with both Maya and Jolly on top? :D

Thank you, Wendy!

Yeah, so far the hormonal situation hasn't become anything too crazy. I've had to make minor adjustments, but she really does her best to control herself when it comes to her aggression. Fortunately. Because that beak of hers is freakishly sharp!

Hahaha! I'll see what I can do, Wendy love.
Good looking bird and it seems to be smart as well so that is great. Congrats for having such a nice bird
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Thank you, Murii!

Yeah, Maya is very smart. She's also stubborn as a mule. Hahaha! Sometimes the two go hand in hand.
There's that gorgeous girl! Maya is stunning even after a bath! Her feathers are perfect!

Clever girl, I love the way she bypassed the treat and chose arm time instead! I'm very impressed with her training progress. Great work, Doc and Maya!
WOW :11:

Too stunning! Both so gorgeous! Jolly and Maya, they both look amazing Stephen!
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There's that gorgeous girl! Maya is stunning even after a bath! Her feathers are perfect!

Clever girl, I love the way she bypassed the treat and chose arm time instead! I'm very impressed with her training progress. Great work, Doc and Maya!

Thank you, Huckleberry!

Yes, that girl takes a lot of pride in her appearance! True diva she is, leaving not a feather out of place. Lol!

And yes, she's quite the clever one. Suckered me in on more than one occasion just like that. Hahaha!
WOW :11:

Too stunning! Both so gorgeous! Jolly and Maya, they both look amazing Stephen!
Thank you, Melissa!

I'll be sure to pass your sweet compliments on to Jolly and Maya both!
Great pics and video! Jolly and Maya are simply stunning.
Stephen, are you certain Maya is not an android impeccably created to mirror the absolute best attributes of an Ekkie? She is absolutely stunning to perfection! Love the video where she tracks your finger and turns, only to reward you with a race to your arm!!
Stephen, are you certain Maya is not an android impeccably created to mirror the absolute best attributes of an Ekkie? She is absolutely stunning to perfection! Love the video where she tracks your finger and turns, only to reward you with a race to your arm!!

yeah, i agree. she's something else, isn't she?
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Great pics and video! Jolly and Maya are simply stunning.
Thank you, Shawna!

Stephen, are you certain Maya is not an android impeccably created to mirror the absolute best attributes of an Ekkie? She is absolutely stunning to perfection! Love the video where she tracks your finger and turns, only to reward you with a race to your arm!!

You know what? Her true nature as an android might explain why I've never, in the year and a half she's been part of my family, seen her sleeping. Not once, Scott. Not a nap. Not even a slow eye blink. Nada! You might be on to something. Hahaha!

yeah, i agree. she's something else, isn't she?

Thank you! Yes, she definitely is. Lol! I took another video today to show the progress she's made with the ring trick, and instead wound up catching her impish sense of humor. I'll include it in the next post.
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Here it is:
[ame="https://youtu.be/htMxgQtYk3Q"]Messing with Daddy - YouTube[/ame]

She truly enjoys messing with me that way. She's even gone so far as to palm the ring and put her empty beak into my hand. Hahaha!
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