Ralph is Now a Teenager


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2010
Syracuse, NY
Quaker parrot, Ralph
Today (October 1) is Ralph's 13th hatchday. :) Since we're still adjusting to Scooter's absence, it was a quiet celebration. Ralph got to enjoy some of the special treats he doesn't get often, like a tiny piece of good extra-sharp cheddar cheese and a little cinnamon toast. Since he isn't that fond of parrot toys, I didn't get him anything other than his traditional gifts-- some new wooden dowels to build with and some popsicle sticks to chew up.
Even though it was a quiet day I think Ralph enjoyed his 13th hatchday.
Awwwwww, Happy Hatch Day, Ralph, it sounds like you've had a great day! 😘 🥳🎉🎂

Happy Hatch-Day Ralph!
I think he got so happy with all those treats!

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