Radioactive birds?! (Just for fun)

Auggie's Dad

Dec 28, 2007
South Hadley MA
Auggie: Dusky Conure
So I have to admit, in an effort to keep these persistent spammers at bay I keep an eye on the IP addresses that are logged in. Most non spammer/regular users come up with domain names signifying various service providers (ie,,, etc). But I just saw an IP addy of one of our members that comes from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Please don't arm birds with bombs. I thought pigeon guided missiles were bad enough (Project Pigeon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Besides shouldn't keeping us free from radioactive fall-out keep you busy enough to not be perusing parrot forums? :D
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Holy crap!

We also have a log-in from the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

You all wouldn't be using our humble forums as a means to secretly plan on nuking .... oh, say North Korea would you? If so no need to be so secretive: Go for it!
I'm guessing the log-in from the Office of the Secretary of Defense came by because their web crawlers picked up the words "bomb", "missile", and from: US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Strange that someone from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission would log in though, maybe a member here is involved.
LOL...I just came across a picture in the last couple of days of a Cockatoo holding a Machine Gun form someone’s GI JOE or Maxx Steel action figure. I wish I could remember where I saw it. I have to state for the record, that even though we are an army household we are not training our birds for combat.

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