Raccons a problem??


Active member
Dec 12, 2010
Jake YNA 1970,Kia Panama amazon1975, both i removed from nest and left siblings, Forever Home to,Stacie (YN hen),Mickie (RLA male),Blinkie (YNA hen),Kong (Panama hen),Rescue Zons;Nitro,Echo,Rocky,Rub
I live in the middle of a State park with no neighbors. I have out side aviaries with parrots, chicken pens and turkey pens. When i first moved here i had a problem with raccoons,bobcats,opossums and coyotes. I fixed most of the issues with live traps and a guard dog. the problem now is a couple of local RV parks have been trapping their coons and turning them loose near my property. These coons have been educated to live traps and you'll never catch them again in a live trap. because i have dogs and stray cats ( everyone throws out their cats here)i can't use regular leg hold traps . I found some traps called "Dog Proof Coon Traps" I bought 4 and set them out around the turkey pen where the coons have been stealing the turkey eggs and eating the food. Results for 3 nights,,,3 coons and a opossum with 6 babies in the pouch. The traps don't kill and you have the option to do what ever you want with what you catch. I set "trail cams" that we use to scout our deer feeders, the amount of coons we saw was scary. If you need to get rid of your coons, etc. google DP coon traps, they work great. marshmallows work the best.
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Glad to hear you found a good alternative!
Wow! Our dog brought a (live) family of possums into our house via a dog door. Maybe I could send her to you to help out in addition to the traps. She's a very cute Maltese.
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LOL, i don't need a dog that will "invite" them in, i need one that will run them off!!! My 60 lb Husky/Lab mix got torn up by a boar coon she penned in the corner of the fence. Of course my wife let her in the house for a week or so till she healed. Now i can't get her out of the AC at night, unless i tell her " there's a coon in your yard" and she goes off like a rocket, she hates a coon even more now. Wish she'd go back to sleeping outside again.
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I remember the snakes and gators being a problem when I was growing up in Florida. Now I heard wild hogs are becoming a problem in certain areas. I hope you continue to keep your animals safe.
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5 coons and 2 possums now.
Do you have the problem with the raccoon disease where you are? Not rabies (which is common too) but Coonhound Paralysis fever? That stuff is scary. I'm not about just randomly killing things, but if it was me, I wouldn't chance it with live traps. I'd get rid of them with a .22

That sounds so cold, but after a raccoon tore my dog's face open when she was pheasant hunting with my husband, I don't have a lot of sympathy for them anymore.
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I haven't heard of that around here. We do have lots of coons though. We haven't had much luck with the live traps. A lot of the coons are released here places that catch them in a live trap, once caught ,they learn and catching them again is pretty rare.
Can you talk to the RV parks to see if they can release them in a different part of the state park? That would be pretty frustrating- good thing you found a trap that works though!! We have a German Shepard who does a good job at keeping the coons off our property... Our huskies take care of moles and rats lol
I haven't heard of that around here. We do have lots of coons though. We haven't had much luck with the live traps. A lot of the coons are released here places that catch them in a live trap, once caught ,they learn and catching them again is pretty rare.

Well, I can't PM you so I'll paste what I tried to send to you here...:20:

Hello henpecked, thought I'd drop you a line as I think we are sorta neighbors. I live off Honore Ave between Clark and Proctor. I would enjoy catching up with you sometime and taking a look at your birds. Let me know.
I have 3 canaries and two tiels. I'm looking to let the tiels go to make room for a sun conure. I have very limited space so the cockatiels have to go.
Anyway, hope to hear from you....Tom
Well, I can't PM you so I'll paste what I tried to send to you here...:20:

Hello henpecked, thought I'd drop you a line as I think we are sorta neighbors. I live off Honore Ave between Clark and Proctor. I would enjoy catching up with you sometime and taking a look at your birds. Let me know.
I have 3 canaries and two tiels. I'm looking to let the tiels go to make room for a sun conure. I have very limited space so the cockatiels have to go.
Anyway, hope to hear from you....Tom

Tom, you can always PM a moderator, and each one of us would be happy to forward messages for you. :)

what about an electric fence. If they can stop cattle going through a fence then they should deter raccoons.

Cattle don't dig. Raccoons can AND will. In the U.S. raccoons are the probably the worst and most common predators of chickens (poultry).
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yeah, i don't think the electric fence would slow them up much. probably get me and the dogs most of the time,LOL. I have lots of armadillos that tunnel under the fence , i have 3 borrows on one fence line. The coons would use the trails already made by the armadillos. Anyone know how to get rid of the dillos ?

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