Rabbit Nesting Behaviour


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Merlin & Charlie (Senegals)
So, my bunny (Annie) has been a bit psycho at the moment with her hormones and whatnot and I managed to record a video of her gathering things for her nest.

Here's a video of her tearing up my house to make her nest.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VymsjbepnAI&feature=plcp]Annie showing us her nesting behaviour! - YouTube[/ame]

The video is quite long, and I apologise for the coffee slurping, I'm not well atm :p

She got spayed yesterday and is feeling very sorry for herself today my poor baby. She's getting lots of cuddles and love right now.

Enjoy :)
Oh goodness, she has made quite a mess lol! Before I got my bunnies, I really didn't think there could be any animal messier then my parrot, but boy was I wrong!!! :D
How old is Annie ? I'm thinking of getting mine spayed soon too, as one of them is getting quite hormonal and nippy!
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She's just over a year old. You can get females spayed after 6 months. I recommend you get it done asap tbh because her hormones are crazy and the sooner it's stopped the better :p

Annie really is a big messy bun, I don't know who's worse, her or Merlin! I feel so horrible getting her spayed as she would be a good mummy! But we never wanted her to have babies or anything so!
Awwww so cute! I used to have a male rabbit years ago. He was litter box trained and was alloud to have the run of my room during the day. One day he decided to make a nest as well. I came home to huge bare spots on the carpet. He pulled the threads out to make a nest under my desk. He looked so cute peeking his head over the nest of carpet threads that i couldnt get mad at him. :D Rabbits are a lot of fun to have, he was a joy.
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Haha, they really are! Fortunately Annie hasn't actually wrecked the carpet in any spot that we've noticed so far. We've had her spayed now so she has really calmed down and doesn't seem to be nesting at all.

House rabbits are an absolute joy to have. The 'safe' alternative to having a cat around ;)

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