Quick question


Mar 6, 2013
So not to start a rumor or anything like this, but I have heard Liz Wilson has passed away. I'm not sure if many of you know who she is or so on, but I'd like to find out truthfully so I could alert certain people, thanks.
Heard she died due to a bout of bronchitis... and she had posted an article last Friday...

shame to here she's gone.
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Thanks the Both of you I found out officially today and from what I'd have to look at an email.
For those who didn't know of her, or her works in the Avian world, her is an article about her: Liz Wilson Passes Away

She will be sadly missed amongst her family, friends, and flock.

God Bless!
I am stunned. Our local bird club had her as a guest speaker and I know I have seen her speak at least twice. She met Mihijo and told me he was a very nice and charming bird. She really like him and spent some time interacting with him and playing with him. Granted everybody loved Mihijo but Liz really liked my boy.

I would like to relate a story our first meeting with Liz.

Years ago after the movie "Paulie" came out I got it in my head that Mihijo could learn all the tricks and performances the little BCC did in the movie. I thought it was cute the BCC was taught to take credit/debit cards and insert them into a ATM so I taught Mihijo to do this.

After Liz Wilson spoke at our club meeting I got in line to meet her and purchase one of her books. One of the club members was helping out Liz with the transactions of the purchases so I passed my credit card to her so she could take care of the purchase and I could then move over to meet Liz and have her sign my purchased book. I had Mihijo, my Noble macaw perched on my forearm while I was buying the book. I passed over my credit card which was personalized with a picture of Mihijo on it to the club member to run. The unique credit card caught Liz's attention and she asked to see it. I passed the card to her and she thought it was cute I had a pic of my parrot on it when suddenly Mihijo jumped off my arm onto the table and snatched the credit card out of Liz's hand. The little freak then began running down the table holding the card in his beak. He was trying to run so fast he tripped over the card and rolled on the table. At first I was mortified when Mihijo ripped the card from Liz's hands and began running away with it but when Liz started laughing loudly I could not help but laugh myself.

That is not something you see every day and Mihijo did endear himself to her. He really was a one in a million parrot and I consider myself blessed to of been able to meet Liz Wilson.

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