Quick question before i leave in an hour....


New member
Jul 4, 2013
SI Eclectus
Congo African grey
We've had hannah (10yr old) for almost 3 months now. She had a bit of a plucking problem for boredom and plucking is her go to when under immediate stress (nail cutting). We have been taking it slow but i have been working on taking her outside a little at a time( she is use to 24 hours a day in or at her cage). She has been over preening instead of plucking when she is out of her comfort zone, and her chest is growing back beautifully. I would ideally like to work her into liking to go out and visit like my ekkie rocky who is a social butterfly. We are going to a family get together for the afternoon and it wont be very busy. Rocky will be going. I'm wondering if it would be worth taking her out with us and risk some feather destruction but have her learn its ok to be social and have a positive experience (i would keep her with me and not just perch her somewhere or hand her around while she is learning. Rocky is comfortable with everyone and i can just set him on the back of a chair without a care from him), or just accept its not her cup of tea and let her be at home and not partake in all the adventures rocky does. I figured she is still young enough to get use to it and i thought it might make her life more fulfilling, but at the same time, you don't push a hermit outside their house if that's where they are happy right? Maybe its just her personality to want a quiet known enviorment. Plus all those beautiful feathers !scared of regressing, but at the same time if it would be good for her might as well start now..ugh so torn! Thanks in advance for any advice!
If you have a travel cage or a small dog crate that she is ok with, I would take her. Just make sure she has her safe place and don't force her out of it. let her do this at her pace...
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She will rip everything out if she is in a closed space. Unfortunately i'm worried that will never be an option for her, she starts ripping and growling and doing that gurgling scream. When on car rides and outside she does really well as long as i am holding her. When i put her down is when she starts preening like crazy.
Since that's the case, you will most likely be relegated to holding her all day if you choose to take her.

You may want to get a travel cage and slowly get her used to it. use it for play time and snacks, make it a fun and safe place for her. Sit with her next to it and let her watch you put your hands in it to play with toys or snacks. It will take a while but she will come around.
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If you have a travel cage or a small dog crate that she is ok with, I would take her. Just make sure she has her safe place and don't force her out of it. let her do this at her pace...

thanks so much for your reply. i will be taking her but she will be on my hand where she feels the most comfortable and no one will be able to pet her. I wish i could use a carrier with her but we found out really quick that she was a no go for enclosed spaces. Hoping for the best!
So how did things go?
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pretty good actually. she did a bit of a growl when new people got too close, but she stayed on my arm the whole time. I wouldnt let anyone touch or hold her because she is very shy, but it did look like (even while on high alert) she was enjoying the sights and sounds. When we got home she did do a little aggressive preening in her cage, but it didn't last very long :) I'm thrilled we decided to take her out of her comfort zone for such a long period, it really gives me a lot of hope that she can overcome her stress and "hermit" issues! As of right now if i'm not holding her even just on the porch she begins to shake and do her "i'm terrified" beep. Thanks for checking in, we had a really good time!
You just might need to reassure her and try not to overstimulate her too much. Otherwise though, sounds like she did ok!

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