Quick question about pringles


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2022
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Hello šŸ‘‹! I have a male cockatiel named Kiko.

This is a quick question regarding pringles. I asked a similar one about popcorn before.

I was eating pringles and kiko took a little bit off of my chip and is now going nuts over it. I know pringles are pretty salty, but can I at least give him a very small amount once a while?

(THIS NEXT BIT IS OFF TOPIC BUT IT REMINDED ME OF THIS.) I know birds are like toddlers and a way to teach them how to eat veggies is to pretend ur eating them and they canā€™t have some. That seems to never work with Kiko, he is never interested.
But, when I do it with any other junk food, he goes NUTS! He pries my mouth open with his beak and pokes on my teeth trying to get the food out, and itā€™s pretty painful and scary when he does! Heā€™s only eating 1-2 leaves of spinach a day as his veggies at the moment :( and I want to change that.

Thanks to anyone who replies! šŸ¦…
Hello šŸ‘‹! I have a male cockatiel named Kiko.

This is a quick question regarding pringles. I asked a similar one about popcorn before.

I was eating pringles and kiko took a little bit off of my chip and is now going nuts over it. I know pringles are pretty salty, but can I at least give him a very small amount once a while?

(THIS NEXT BIT IS OFF TOPIC BUT IT REMINDED ME OF THIS.) I know birds are like toddlers and a way to teach them how to eat veggies is to pretend ur eating them and they canā€™t have some. That seems to never work with Kiko, he is never interested.
But, when I do it with any other junk food, he goes NUTS! He pries my mouth open with his beak and pokes on my teeth trying to get the food out, and itā€™s pretty painful and scary when he does! Heā€™s only eating 1-2 leaves of spinach a day as his veggies at the moment :( and I want to change that.

Thanks to anyone who replies! šŸ¦…
also is popcorn a good source of corn for him if he doesnā€™t eat regular corn? (Iā€™ve tried, he does not like it at all.)

I buy plain Kernels and make them in a paper bag in the microwave for Kiko once or twice a week. Should I do it more often, or less??
also is popcorn a good source of corn for him if he doesnā€™t eat regular corn? (Iā€™ve tried, he does not like it at all.)

I buy plain Kernels and make them in a paper bag in the microwave for Kiko once or twice a week. Should I do it more often, or less??
You can use it as a treat, maybe even a tool to get him to eat veg(dip it in wet veggies so he can taste it).

Now for the original question, if you feel safe to take the risk, I'd say it's ok... just not a lot. I have fed some controversial foods to my birds before, although in very small amounts very occasionally.
A few things to unpack here.

A small bit of Pringles (pea size or less) once a month, no harm. Besides all the artificial crap they put in there, they are high in salt.

Spinach every day is not a good idea, too much and it interferes with vitamin absorption - I forget which ones. Work hard to vary his diet. Try hot peppers, really hot ones - they are good for them and dont worry about the heat, parrots have 1 taste bud for every 100 of ours. Whats flaming hot to us is merely tangy to them.
Stop letting your parrot get into your mouth. Human mouth contains bacteria that parrots have no immunity to. Especially dont let him eat food you have chewed already!
A few things to unpack here.

A small bit of Pringles (pea size or less) once a month, no harm. Besides all the artificial crap they put in there, they are high in salt.

Spinach every day is not a good idea, too much and it interferes with vitamin absorption - I forget which ones. Work hard to vary his diet. Try hot peppers, really hot ones - they are good for them and dont worry about the heat, parrots have 1 taste bud for every 100 of ours. Whats flaming hot to us is merely tangy to them.
Stop letting your parrot get into your mouth. Human mouth contains bacteria that parrots have no immunity to. Especially dont let him eat food you have chewed already!
Thank you for the information! I did not know about the spinach thing. And yes, we make sure he doesnā€™t put his mouth on ours :) can you give an example on some types of peppers I can try for him? Is there any kind of pepper/veggie I should avoid for him?

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