quick GCC breeding q


New member
Aug 10, 2011
Green Cheek Conures
Turquoise: Loquito (Little crazy) aka Loqui.
Cinnamon: Lila
Will they breed without a nest box?

I'm under the impression that they won't but I'm not sure
If you have a pair, where there is a will there is a way. If you have a hen only they can & do lay infertile eggs. They can even drop them from the perch. A GCC is matured at 12 months & are considered breeding age. When I breed mine i usually wait until the 2nd year.
They might breed for fun like some cockatiels but never lay eggs. If they do lay eggs they might be infertile.
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Okay coz I have one gcc right now & am getting another one soon from someone who can no longer keep theirs.

Both of their genders are unknown and mine is 9months the new one will be 10 months.

I hope, after quarantine, introduction & slowly gaining each others trust, to get them living together in one cage, but I do not want babies!
Not now or anytime soon at least so I was just wondering.

I could just remove any eggs they lay, couldn't I?

Would they hate me for that? Would it cause problems?
If your afraid they would breed then just keep them in separate cages! You don't just throw their eggs as they will lay more to replace what you throw away. IF they're a male a female, you may have fertile eggs and by the time you throw them away, it might be hatching time or already hatching if the eggs are fertile. That's if they're incubating!

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