Question on General Pricing of Sun Conures


New member
Mar 8, 2015
So I was scanning through the Baby Bird List at Kookaburra, one of DFW's bird shops, and I noticed that there is a major difference in cost between sun conures and green cheeks, with sun conures priced at $599 while green cheeks are $299... yet I notice SO many sun conures end up on CL being rehomes (I am guessing mostlydue to noise issues?) I was just idly wondering why this was. Do people have a tendency to buy suns for the higher price because they are flashier and then discover the noise levels are above what they are looking for? Or are suns actually harder to find? Is it just that there is a demand for them as babies and not so much as adults? Just idly wondering at the difference and figured y'all might have some thoughts!
There's a big difference in Canada too. I was at a local pet store last week and they had a pineapple GC for $599 and sun for $1499
Worth mentioning... We got Tiki from breeder for $490 so not that much cheaper from breeder either.
The pricing you mention is pretty accurate. I too have heard a LOT of suns on CL as well. So much so, that I told my friend to stop telling me about them cause it breaks my heart.

While suns are endangered in the wild, they are relatively easy to find domestically, as are green cheeks.

I do think one of the main reasons people buy suns is the coloring, which I think is so unfortunate. They are also quite clowny and comical.

Suns are VERY loud, not necessarily noisy - but LOUD. IMO, a 'happy sun' whose needs are being met is a quiet sun for the most part. If you don't give a bird (no matter the species) the time and attention it not only needs - but deserves, it's going to act up. Simple as that.

Skittles was a nightmare the first few years. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into - despite the research I did before getting him. But the way I looked at it was - I chose to bring him home and in doing that I made a commitment. Whatever adjustments I had to make, I made. I may not have liked it - but I did it cause it's one any responsible parent would do. I am so glad I did because I can't imagine my life without him.

Suns are one of the most re-homed parrots. It's nothing to do with them, but rather - their previous owners. THAT is where the problem is. It's not the bird, it's the person. Yes, suns are loud - they also tend to be clingy and possessive. But these are all things a person should research BEFORE buying one. Sadly, most don't. They just see the pretty colors and think it'll look great in their living room.
I believe it is mostly due to the color. Locally I know that many "back yard breeders" are breeding GCCs, but not suns, and I have heard noise cited as the reasons by those people as well. Everybody wants the orange birdy... but now it is screaming! And biting! Sell it! But GCCs are quieter, and I see many people getting a second one, and often letting them breed, increasing the availability and decreasing the price. I think size also plays into it. An average GCC is smaller than an average cockatiel, where a sun is a bit bulkier, heavier, and has more of a "parrot feel." People pay more money for that just for no reason other than wanting what they think they are getting. And yeah, always see them for sale again by the time they are 3 :(
I was able to get my little Kyro from my breeder here for $210. Amazing price for a handfed baby! Extremely healthy and very energetic little bird! I would absolutely love to get another because of the little "Velcro" bird personality most have but my roommate isn't a bird person and I'm sure the screaming would cause a lot of stress. not that my conure was a screamer but she gets flustered over my tiel's occasional squealing lol

But I totally agree that people buy them for their beautiful colors! I mean they do have some of the most beautiful plumage in the parrot world but everything comes at a price!! and but beautiful feathers and absolutely adorable personalities for an occasional squawking?? totally worth it for me
I mean they do have some of the most beautiful plumage in the parrot world but everything comes at a price!! and but beautiful feathers and absolutely adorable personalities for an occasional squawking?? totally worth it for me

Exactly, in my experience - the pros far outweigh the cons. IMO, if you are patient and consistent there is no reason why having a sun should cause enough problems to need to re-home him/her.

Honestly, there little 'antics' are more cute than anything.

I do have to say I have heard my neighbors say many times when they stop by "I don't understand how you can tolerate that noise!".

Skittles gets very LOUD when he hears a doorbell, a doorknock or sees a stranger/strange object. But other than that, his screech tone is reasonable - to me anyways.

I'm used to it to be honest. I've had birds since I was 11 and I learned to 'tune out' the noise a LONG time ago.
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So I was scanning through the Baby Bird List at Kookaburra, one of DFW's bird shop

Dont mean to hijack this (remove if needed)

I live in Arlington as well. Is Kookaburra worth the drive?

Er, it depends on what you want. It is well stocked with toys and stuff, but not THAT much better than a Petsmart unless you are looking for something really "out there" toy wise. The cages are VERY expensive compared to online and they really don't have that many birds for sale. It is worth it once for the experience, but I certainly wouldn't go there for my day to day birdie needs, not when it is forty minutes from my house. Unless you are going to see a specific bird or are looking to buy a big lot of toys, I wouldn't say it's worth the drive.
Nibbler is the BEST! He/she can definitely be loud and needy (just wants to be with you), BUT when she's happy all is quiet! You learn to tune out the screeching when you're busy and can't be attentive! The BEST parts are still all worth it! She/he is the most amazing "best friend" you can have! I have family and friends with GCC's and Nanday's AND I still wouldn't trade my Sun for anything!!! BTW - I paid $350 from a local breeder - George is the best!!!
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I had not seen those! Austin is only about a three hour drive for me (you know that you live in Texas when "only a three hour drive" is considered close), LOL. (Oops, actually i just looked it up and Bandera is five hours away.) Is T&D a good aviary? Anyone have experience with them?
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Well, after talking to the breeders at T&D I decided to put a deposit down on one of their "Christmas babies" who should be hatching soon and will be ready to come home in December! I think I'm going to name him Star-Lord if he's a boy, because I'm a total geek like that. And then tell everyone it's his "outlaw name."
Congrats on your new Christmas Sun! How exciting! :)
Congratulations on your new bird to be Michelle! So that must mean you're staying in the States now :). Just curious, what made you decide on a Sun in particular instead of another Quaker, or yet another species?
Yayyyy, a baby sun conure! And just in time for the holidays! Congratulations!
Well, after talking to the breeders at T&D I decided to put a deposit down on one of their "Christmas babies" who should be hatching soon and will be ready to come home in December! I think I'm going to name him Star-Lord if he's a boy, because I'm a total geek like that. And then tell everyone it's his "outlaw name."
I am getting the other baby that's been reserved thus far. I am excited for their impending hatching!

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