Question for those who own 3 birds...


New member
Oct 13, 2015
Palm Beach
Two Cockatiels: Rascal (Geraldine) and his baby brother named Coconut!
I currently own a male tiel who is a massive "velcro" bird and is ALWAYS with me, follows (stalks me) everywhere etc... I literally cannot walk out of the room without him screaming super loud and then flying after me.

I am wondering for those who own 3 birds... how likely is it that all 3 birds will be velcro birds? As I'm probably going to get another tiel (as my tiel is beyond MISERABLE being alone when I have to leave the house he panics when left alone) and then I would love to get a GCC for myself.

I love that my tiel is a velcro bird (I am NOT worried about my tiel becoming bonded to another tiel that would not bother me)... but I don't know if I could handle THREE velcro birds, that would be interesting lol
Okay, actually I have six... but only three of them are velcro birds, unless it's amazon breeding season, then it's four...
I have 9 and my amazon is the only velcro bird. He is much better though and can be convinced to sit on a stand now.
How likely? I wish there was a clear cut answer for you, but there are too many factors that would lead to the likelyhood (or not).

Species and individual tendencies can play a part in whether a bird becomes velcro or not, but regardless, all birds need to learn independence. Independent play time, or cage time when you're gone, etc. Establish that routine from the get-go. Don't feel bad about doing it either. They don't need to be by your side constantly. It's harder to stop once the pattern of annoying velcro-ness has already been established.

I have the 3 parrots in the same room (the budgies are in a different area). Robin my Red Bellied parrot who has been with me all his life for 21 years is very bonded to me, but is independent too. Besides being conditioned to it, it is in his nature as a Poicephalus to be independent unless they're 'taught' to be clingy. Robin has learned that he has to accept the other birds in my life too.

Paying attention to Raven and Griffin usually only consists of talking to them. Raven doesn't always like to be held, although he loves to "talk" face to face and be paid attention to. He's actually so independent that we had to encourage him to be more interactive with us. Griffin is also very independent, and he will seek me out to say hi occasionally, though as he's gotten older unfortunately he has developed phobic behavior toward humans which can develop more commonly in Pois where wild primal instincts take over. When not phobic, I'm sure he still appreciates being talked to.

So it is a juggling act nonetheless, even though only one bird likes the actual hands-on attention. When I'm holding Robin, even though Raven doesn't want to be held, he will still be jealous and want me to drop Robin and come over to 'talk' to him.
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Wow. Lately I'm realizing just how many birds many of you own. I've been pondering whether I could ever handle having 3 birds... yet many here have far more than just 3 birds! I'm obssesed with birds but I don't know how you guys do it with so many ;)

Currently I have a flightsuit for my tiel and take him almost everywhere because he is beyond bored and lonely at home. We actually just got back from Walmart, he helped me pick out a small folding table. I couldn't imagine ever taking 3 birds with me when I'm out and about (that would also draw far too much attention people seeing some crazed girl with 3 birds on her and I would surely get kicked out lol)... the max is 2 birds... but if I had 3 birds I could always just leave 2 birds at home.

I've just been trying to determine whether I could handle having 3 birds and what that would be like as I really want to get my tiel a tiel "buddy" (as he is miserable alone and I've noticed he really does like being around other birds) and then a GCC for me.
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Of all my birds only one is Velcro. There are soooo many factors at play here that there is no way for us to answer that for you.
Wow. Lately I'm realizing just how many birds many of you own. I've been pondering whether I could ever handle having 3 birds... yet many here have far more than just 3 birds! I'm obssesed with birds but I don't know how you guys do it with so many ;)

Currently I have a flightsuit for my tiel and take him almost everywhere because he is beyond bored and lonely at home. We actually just got back from Walmart, he helped me pick out a small folding table. I couldn't imagine ever taking 3 birds with me when I'm out and about (that would also draw far too much attention people seeing some crazed girl with 3 birds on her and I would surely get kicked out lol)... the max is 2 birds... but if I had 3 birds I could always just leave 2 birds at home.

I've just been trying to determine whether I could handle having 3 birds and what that would be like as I really want to get my tiel a tiel "buddy" (as he is miserable alone and I've noticed he really does like being around other birds) and then a GCC for me.

Sounds like a good plan - one go with you and two at home keeping each other company. Hey, is that Rascal?
I at one time had 9 birds and it was overwhelming. I think the amount of birds one can handle depends greatly on the individual owner, the species of birds and the amount of time you have available.

I could NOT handle 9 sun conures. I don't think I could even handle 2. But I could handle 9 budgies. I at one time had four cockatiels and that was tough.

Skittles does NOT like to 'share' me so getting another bird would not be fair to him or the other bird.
Be aware the GCC's can be territorial and angrily possessive of their bonded person and cage area. Mine turns into a little green monster if the budgies are too near or even my family approaches me. I've seen other people here say the same thing. For instance, if my husband approaches me for a quick kiss and my conure is on my shoulder, my shoulder will be bitten. I've had to swear my husband off me if Tazzy is on me because he goes into attack mode and I even up hurt 9 times out of 10. He doesn't share well at all.
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Wow. Lately I'm realizing just how many birds many of you own. I've been pondering whether I could ever handle having 3 birds... yet many here have far more than just 3 birds! I'm obssesed with birds but I don't know how you guys do it with so many ;)

Currently I have a flightsuit for my tiel and take him almost everywhere because he is beyond bored and lonely at home. We actually just got back from Walmart, he helped me pick out a small folding table. I couldn't imagine ever taking 3 birds with me when I'm out and about (that would also draw far too much attention people seeing some crazed girl with 3 birds on her and I would surely get kicked out lol)... the max is 2 birds... but if I had 3 birds I could always just leave 2 birds at home.

I've just been trying to determine whether I could handle having 3 birds and what that would be like as I really want to get my tiel a tiel "buddy" (as he is miserable alone and I've noticed he really does like being around other birds) and then a GCC for me.

Sounds like a good plan - one go with you and two at home keeping each other company. Hey, is that Rascal?

Hey there, ya that's Lil' Rascal ;)
Since I'm still contemplating possibly getting a GCC I decided to checkout a forum with more GCC owners... the ONLY thing holding me back is I'm am very worried what if one day the GCC injures Rascal :( ... so I'm still stuck in limbo over the decision. One second I'm thinking NOWAY, then the next second after I see how cute GCC are I start I thinking "oh my gosh I would LOVE to have a GCC!" maybe it could work... I do this back and forth going in circles lol this is why I am nuts. :22:
I think the amount of birds one can handle depends greatly on the individual owner, the species of birds and the amount of time you have available.

I agree. It's all very individual depending on many factors. One big factor that also figures into it for me (something that is not usually mentioned) is that more birds = more cleaning. I don't know about you, but I hate cleaning. That said, I do spot clean and the floor daily, and paper under the grate and cage wipedown every few days, but I hate doing it, and by the time I'm done with 4 cages believe me, I'm glad I don't have any more to do. I'd like a couple more budgies in the big double flight cage, but I hesitate thinking how much they poop.
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I think the amount of birds one can handle depends greatly on the individual owner, the species of birds and the amount of time you have available.

I agree. It's all very individual depending on many factors. One big factor that also figures into it for me (something that is not usually mentioned) is that more birds = more cleaning. I don't know about you, but I hate cleaning. That said, I do spot clean and the floor daily, and paper under the grate and cage wipedown every few days, but I hate doing it, and by the time I'm done with 4 cages believe me, I'm glad I don't have any more to do. I'd like a couple more budgies in the big double flight cage, but I hesitate thinking how much they poop.

I'm a HUGE massive clean freak (I cannot stand mess nor clutter and love organizing things), but thankfully, I've managed to mess proof the cage by putting custom cut mesh screen on the cage and I'm also going to be custom building a large see through type "container" that the actual cage will sit inside which will literally make it 100% mess free and catch any seeds the current seed guard and mesh does not. I'm very thankful that I rarely see a coupe seeds on the floor and the seed catcher and mesh catches 99% of it (I used to have to vacuum over a dozen times per day, thank goodness I have an upright cordless vacuum cleaner) but once I'm done building what I'm planning to... mess will be no issue. I enjoy coming up with creative ways to conquer mess :)
The funny thing with all this though is that my bird cage rarely ever gets poop in it because my tiel lives on me, not the cage LOL I also put a paper towel underneath the perch he sleeps on which he soils in his sleep and I replace it with a fresh one in the morning. I don't have to clean my cage often at all right now (just once a week)... but I'm sure that will change if I had 3 birds... so you make a good point... now I am going back to my original thinking which is I don't think I could handle more than 2 birds max!
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I recognized Rascal's picture from talk cockatiels as I used to spend lots of time on that forum until we got Tiki. Now I am here learning about GCCs. I remember Rascal's adventures and know how close you two are. You will need to be ok with sharing your time with a 2nd bird and be ok that Rascal will 'lose' some of that time. That's what happened with Taco. I think she didnt mind as she was really curious about Tiki in the beginning and now, after 5-6 months, she enjoys his company (but doesn't let him get closer than a couple inches). They preen togther (but not each other, although tonight tiki got in a couple striches before she noticed and told him off). Taco has become more independent and this makes me a little sad and I wish I could ask her if she minds sharing me and if she likes her newfound independence. Tiki is a Velcro bird, but one good thing is he is not a one-person bird and will go to my daughter, leaving Taco to have me all to herself.
Four cockatiels, one african ringneck (foster), three conures. (two perm, one???)

So 8 birds.... and only 3 velcro! One of the velcro birds is a cockatiel! And she lives with the other tiels and the ARN. I can handle two conures at the same time with minimal squabbling, but Casey (the tiel) I have to handle separately from the conures.
A lot of it also depends on the birds. If you have, say five birds and three of them do NOT get along with any of the others - that can be MUCH harder than dealing with five birds who all get along. Harder because you have to give each one individual 'out of cage' time versus letting them all out at the same time.

Peaches, my 20yr old tiel is completely oblivious to Skittles presence. It doesn't phase her. But him, hell no. He will do all he can to prevent me from even going near her. Luckily, she has the run of the room she is in and does not require supervision like he does so it all works out for me.
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I recognized Rascal's picture from talk cockatiels as I used to spend lots of time on that forum until we got Tiki. Now I am here learning about GCCs. I remember Rascal's adventures and know how close you two are. You will need to be ok with sharing your time with a 2nd bird and be ok that Rascal will 'lose' some of that time. That's what happened with Taco. I think she didnt mind as she was really curious about Tiki in the beginning and now, after 5-6 months, she enjoys his company (but doesn't let him get closer than a couple inches). They preen togther (but not each other, although tonight tiki got in a couple striches before she noticed and told him off). Taco has become more independent and this makes me a little sad and I wish I could ask her if she minds sharing me and if she likes her newfound independence. Tiki is a Velcro bird, but one good thing is he is not a one-person bird and will go to my daughter, leaving Taco to have me all to herself.

LOL, it's easy to spot Lil' Rascal in that infamous orange colored straight jacket (flightsuit) he has on ;)
So it seems you ended up doing what I would love to do (have one tiel and one GCC). I also wonder if my tiel (since he is MISERABLE being alone) would possibly get some form if enjoyment out of a GCC? As whenever Rascal see's other birds he immediately starts singing to them. I would also have their cages very close together (just one inch apart) so they could always see each other but not close enough so that the GCC could bite my ties toes off, yikes.
A GCC breeder I corresponded with recommended I should get a female GCC not a male, since my tiel is a male and she said a female GCC is what i should get rather than a male as to possibly lessen the aggression that might happen between 2 males. The ONLY holding me back from getting a GCC is I am too SCARED to... the fact that the GCC could kill or seriously injure my tiel freaks me out :(
I read online how a GCC killed all 3 tiel babies in the cage, scary!... but it appears they were all kept inside a cage together so the baby tiels had no chance to escape.
... but hopefully Taco does indeed enjoy having another bird around ;) ... but I also wish they could talk and let me know what they are thinking!
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I forgot to say, I don't know if I'm too concerned about having to split my attention between 2 birds because my tiel's idea have having a good time is hanging out, sleeping and preening on my leg as I work all day on the computer. He actually never prefers to sit on my shoulder, he ALWAYS climbs down onto his special spot on my leg... which is such a pain because I am stuck sitting in exact same position forever and legs my always fall asleep! lol
... so I'm hoping if I got a GCC he could play and hang out on my shoulders or play on my desk while my tieel does his usually thing on my leg... this way I would technically be spending time with both?
It's so depends on the GCC! My Joe Joe was housed with a menagerie of birds for a very long time before I brought her home. From this she learned many of their calls and totally gets excited at any bird. If I play a video of one she will jump off my knee cuddle up to my neck and just watch the screen with me. On the other hand, my wife's Bongo is very different, he is aggressive and territorial. For the longest time he has always viewed anyone and anything as a threat to his kingdom! He is getting better after we've been working with him for this but still, the two of them have never met and I would be very afraid for JoJo!
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I just got home from the bird place that trimmed my tiel's toenails. They had one pineapple baby GCC and it (I say "it" because I have no idea what gender) but it was very cute. It wasn't very tame though and seemed kind of scared of everything but the GCC started chewing on my hand and people are right when they say GCCs bite very different from tiels LOL When the GCC seemed to gently start nibbling on my hand it started to bite down harder and harder, ouch! Are GCC beaks SHARPER than tiels??? As I could have sworn it was a lot sharer??? I hope when a GCC bites another bird they do NOT bite the other bird in this same manner? As I could see how that would be lethal, yikes. A sometimes i see them sort of biting the other bird's nostril when preening each other.
... but these people who trimmed my tiels nails today own a bird shop and they told me I should be just fine owning a tiel and a GCC and they said TONS of people own both types of birds and as long as I don't keep them in the same cage and watch them while they are both out it will be fine and I shouldn't worry so much.
I'm started to feel like maybe I can get a GCC afterall I would LOVE to have one they seem like so much fun and playful... I LOVE my tiel but would also love a GCC :) HOPE I am not making the wrong decision! :11:
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I have a meyers, noble macaw, and a gcc. the macaw and gcc i can leave alone in a room for awhile (except when i use the sink my gcc scream which inturn brakes the silence and make the macaw screem as well lol). my meyers is the only one that I have to take with me everywhere. even though she is a poi i guess she is just less independent/just wants attention from humans because she kind of gives warning call when ever someone (no matter who even someone she just met, leaves the room. however she persist when i leave the room) i guess like some of the replies youve gotten already, it depends on the individual bird as well as the species. and just because your tail is a velcro bird doesnt mean the other will be however they may pick up the habit of screaming along with your old tiel just for the sake of screaming/fun lol. so do keep an eye on that. what i did was when i got my gcc i just carried around my meyers with me just so ill have one bird that i have to take. that way my gcc never picked up the habit. better taking ! than having to take all 3! just cause youve made one mistake with a bird doesnt mean the same will imprint on all of them!

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