Quaker is so loud. Is there any method of keeping him quiet during the day?


New member
Jan 8, 2015
When I leave the room, he won't stop screaming. When I'm with him, but I'm not giving him attention, he's screaming, but not as often (thank God).

Is there anything i can do to quiet him down? I've tried music and the blanket over the cage thing, and it barely works.
Hi there! So you chose the little quaker instead of the cockatiel? Good for you!

Your baby quaker is screaming because his entire environment just changed drastically! He will need some time to adjust to his new home. It's normal for a new parrot to be a little stressed in a new place. Focus on the basics, make sure he's eating and drinking and give him a little quiet time. I don't think I would cover his cage to get him to be quiet, since he's so young, his vocalizations aren't behavioral, he won't understand why he's being covered up. Everything's brand new. Try sitting near his cage and talking softly or reading to him so he can build some trust and get to know you.
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Your baby quaker is screaming\

Yea he's great. He's not a baby though. He's two years old, and admittedly the trip was a little rough on him, but he actually seems a lot happier here than he was back where he came from - he used to live in a very tiny cage that's smaller than a budgie cage.

He makes a lot less noise than when I first saw him and he runs around the room, biting everything, and he's eating like a bull, then he loses no time to run out of the cage and play.

He's calmed down a bit, but I'm a little afraid what kind of hell he's going to unleash when I'm not around. It might inconvenience my roomates.
My mistake about your quaker's age, sorry.

I responded to your other thread.

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