QOTD for Jan 7 2025


Well-known member
May 16, 2022
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Charlie (M) - 24 yrs - Peach Front Conure
Redshift (M)-23yrs - normal Cockatiel
Vortex (F) - Hatched March 15 2024
MY irregular Question of the day, this time for Tuesday, Jan 7th, 2025!

If you could choose any cage in the world, price not a factor, what would you get for your bird(s)?

For me, it would be a screened-in super aviary with a slew of birds, from conures to zebra finches! But more realistically, I would have a 6-foot square cage for each of my current birds, with stainless steel bowls and out-of-cage access to them :D. Cement floors so all I would have to do is hose off the cage when it was dirty :D .
Dream cages! Flying space and debris control! I wouldn't house all of my 19 budgies together because some come out and some don't, but the four girl birds that don't come out would have a 60"x 20"x 32" flight cage, and the boys would too. Both cages would have plexiglass sheets bolted on three sides 8 inches short of the top and the bottom would be solid lightweight plywood to seal in the debris.
The rest of the gang
The cage’s I would leave alone.

The Twins cage is two cages stuck together.
My own design, unique and perfect for them.

Bingo’s cage is in good condition and just right for him.

Bella’s cage is most in need of replacement .
I would need to get a cage as near identical as possible because it wouldn’t be easy to get her comfortable in something new.

Price not an issue I would replace and rethink all of the Cockatiel cage’s 4 of them.
But I don’t know what would be best.

I don’t have the room inside to GO BIG.

I have thought about an outdoor aviary.
(DonnaBudgie Cont'd) The rest of the gang- I don't know. Their cages are great. But they need their own ROOM! I let them free fly in our living room from 8am to 8pm and their cages are for sleeping.

I may have created a monster by giving them so much freedom. I had to leave them in their cages for the past few days because my only bathroom is demo'ed for new tile work due to severe leaking. They were harassing the tile installer so into their cages they went. My house is beautiful but its only two rooms plus the bathroom. (I'm putting on a master suite addition this summer!) The budgies seem angry that their freedom has been curtailed. I let them out for two hours last night and getting them back in was very difficult even for the most people friendly ones.
Mine would be walk in, sized to fit smaller bedroom with a 3 foot walk around on 3 sides away from sockets, window screens, curtains and anything else that my CAG would see as needing disassembly. The 4th side would be far enough from cage and wall for a comfy chair. And at least a 32 in dumb, non remote TV and a DVD player. After all she's got to keep up with her anime, talk shows, adventure movies and cartoons. I periodically think about this. The patio has a good foundation for an aviary. But this is South Central Texas with months of 95°-100° temps. I'd go broke cooling it. So indoors it is.
A gigantic STAINLESS STEEL cage. 40 years ago they cost, like 2k. If I'd had any idea the Rb would live to be 40, I would have invested... ten cages and thousands of bucks later...

Kill me now.
A gigantic STAINLESS STEEL cage. 40 years ago they cost, like 2k. If I'd had any idea the Rb would live to be 40, I would have invested... ten cages and thousands of bucks later...

Kill me now.
As a newbie parrot owner, I listened to the breeder of my CAG. She coincidentally owned a small pet store. The cage was considered too expensive for her store. I made monthly payments to total 900$ for a large steel cage. My CAG more then enough room for brief wing flapping flights. That was 4 decades ago (don't feel a day over 40). It's still functional and in use. The best purchase I made. No, if left to my birdie ignorant self I would not have purchased it!
A gigantic STAINLESS STEEL cage. 40 years ago they cost, like 2k. If I'd had any idea the Rb would live to be 40, I would have invested... ten cages and thousands of bucks later...

Kill me now.
I paid $2000 for my macaw’s Animal Environments stainless steel cage 35 years ago. Back in the day it was the finest (and most expensive) cage you could buy. I did the math (I am in finance). It made sense to invest big $ once for a lifetime pet rather than keep buying lower quality cages. The cage has been through a lot: traveled tens of thousands of miles cross-crossing the country many times, hoisted through a 3rd story window with a pulley by a piano mover in Boston, blown off a patio to tumble down a hill in San Diego, and it survived scratch-free. Looks as good today as the day I bought it. It probably will survive the apocalypse or another 150 years, whichever comes first. It was money well spent.

“The quality will remain long after the price is forgotten.” -Henry Royce

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