I agree 100%. It is definately a personal choice, but I do have a question as I have had mixed feed back. Reno came to me with either broken or clipped wing feathers. They looked terrible, but I want him to be as natural as possible. Is it hazardous to allow him to be fully flighted since he has never had the capatability?
If he's never learned to fly, he probably never will... So I've read... Some people clip their birds before fledging, and if that's the case, the wings on an adult bird will be strong, and accidents can happen, if they learn to fly... but.. they can also be avoided.
Another hazard for flighted birds are open doors, so if you have kids or people coming and going, it's probably better to clip...
Then there's the ceiling fan, as SunMommy mentioned... I've seen a kitchen ceiling fan full of baby green cheeks while it was going at a slow speed... It looked very cute, but you could certainly see the danger in that...
I live alone with just my dog and the birds... No one comes here without me knowing about it, and no one just walks in - my doors are always locked... Ben, the dog, either goes outside or into his crate, when my birds are out... I have no ceiling fans (I have cathedral ceiling) so Max can fly up high...
I lost Cory, my Corella, once... He was clipped, but taken by a gust of wind... I did find him a week later, and promised myself if I ever should loose a bird again, it would have to be able to fly... So.. that's another reason Max is flighted... Another thing with a bird flighted in the house, is that it's already used to the house's boundaries, like windows, so it's less likely to fly out an open door...
Clipping is a personal choice (your choice - not the bird's), and it will solely depend on your circumstances...