Pumpkin & Spice


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Sydney - Blue Front Amazon
Gonzo - Congo African Grey
Willow - Cockatiel
Snowy, Ivy, Kiwi, Ghost - Parakeets
Berry - Cinnamon GCC
So I rarely can manage to get pictures of these two because they're always sleeping in the nest box, or scurry away when I come in, but since I've been working on training a little bit, they've been coming out more.

They're a breeding pair that I got from the same person I got my two amazons from, and got them about two or three weeks apart. They're not hand tame but I suspect they might have been at one point. I posted over in the training section about working with them.

Spice, the normal female seems to talk a little bit, but it's mostly garbled. I *think* I heard her say "What?" but I could just be hearing what I want to hear. :) They're so pretty and I want so bad to be able to hold them!



They are just adorable! The third pic is my favorite.

I love how sometimes, you catch your bird in 'just the right pose" and it's priceless. They're not a regular occurrence which makes them even more special.
That one is gorgeous! If I didn't already know that Jeanne would bury me in the backyard if I bought a baby instead of adopting I would definitely want to see what he produced.
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That one is gorgeous! If I didn't already know that Jeanne would bury me in the backyard if I bought a baby instead of adopting I would definitely want to see what he produced.
Well you can't say no to a gift, right? :p

Who knows when they'll breed!
That one is gorgeous! If I didn't already know that Jeanne would bury me in the backyard if I bought a baby instead of adopting I would definitely want to see what he produced.
Well you can't say no to a gift, right? :p

Who knows when they'll breed!

Hmmmm think my pair would murder me for bringing another into the fold:p

Not helpful for my MBS:32:

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