Puffy boy


Jan 16, 2021
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Hello all. I have two parakeets (benny & Jerry) Benny is the yellow one, calmer, nicer unlike the green screamer :)

Today I noticed Benny has been puffier than normal, not sure of my assessment to be honest so I took a couple of photos for some advise.

They are both around 3.5 years old and both are rescues. Nice cage, toys, I change it from time to time, organic seeds, Harrisons diet, veggies.

They get a treat maybe once every two weeks

Was there any drop in temperature?
Benny doesn't look so puffy to me... did they get enough sleep?

If not, may be a good idea to ask you vet about it.
Benny doesn't look so puffy to me... did they get enough sleep?

If not, may be a good idea to ask you vet about it.
Jerry is normal and crazy as always. Benny on the other hand this morning nipped on some lettuce, but did not touch the seeds unlike Jerry who ate twice. I took the seeds away and the green, I will wait a few hours and introduce them to food again later today, if Benny eats then I know he is Ok.
Issue is there is no avain vet nearby, not for 100 miles at least and not the best ratings
Took this screenshot now from the Camera I have mounted in their room (I put them in a quite room with temps of 71-73 degrees) as its colder in the living room.

Are you 100% sure that they're both male? If the puffed baby is a female, she could be stressed from the male's attention.
Are you 100% sure that they're both male? If the puffed baby is a female, she could be stressed from the male's attention.
I posted both of their photos on this site about a year ago and was told both are males for sure!! I dont know about the stressed part they have been together for 3 years
I posted both of their photos on this site about a year ago and was told both are males for sure!! I dont know about the stressed part they have been together for 3 years
My female budgie Tina gets puffed when my male Squid grooms on her for too long. He looks very similar to that. Has there been any sort of diet change, sleep change, or even environmental change? I had a budgie puff and pout for weeks because I moved her cage slightly out of view of the window that she was addicted to. Birds are weird. Very very weird. I wouldn't be too concerned since the puffing doesn't seem super puffy, and he's still perched. Props to you for being so observant!
My female budgie Tina gets puffed when my male Squid grooms on her for too long. He looks very similar to that. Has there been any sort of diet change, sleep change, or even environmental change? I had a budgie puff and pout for weeks because I moved her cage slightly out of view of the window that she was addicted to. Birds are weird. Very very weird. I wouldn't be too concerned since the puffing doesn't seem super puffy, and he's still perched. Props to you for being so observant!
Thank you :) And yes, they are very strange. The yellow one is the awesome one, he is quieter, calmer, plays nice, unlike Jerry the green one who is just a crazy dude! My concern is I have not really seen Benny eat today.

I just want to know what are the "real" signs that say take him to the Vet ASAP. I googled it and oh boy did a billion things just show up and got me so confused!
So, I just put back in the cage trays, Jerry the green one jumped on the food, Benny the yellow one did nothing, no food. I am reading online that if he does not eat in 24 hours he is either very sick or will get sick and die. Their cage door is open so they both went flying a few times today. But I am not sure what to do, should I be concerned
If he really isn’t eating he should definitely go to the vet.
He went to the bowl, nipped at it for 2 seconds and left. but thats just it, he flys and moves around so I would not say he is lethargic or anything

I am trying to get the very best assessment possible here since its an Avian site because TBH the vets around me have pretty bad reviews and the decent one is about 100 miles away, so I dont want to take him to someone that will end up doing more harm than good
Maybe he’s just sneaky? Feeding is a vulnerable time for a bird. It’s something he might hide. ??
so quick update, he ate a little this morning, I gave them one millet treat just to gage if he eats or not and well he enjoyed most of it himself so at least he is eating, but still wondering why he is napping more. Jerry the green one has always been the energitic one and the crazy little one screaming and hollaring all the time, when one flys the other one follows no exception to the role.
I don't know enough to have good advice but I definitely understand being worried and not knowing what is normal for one bird versus another!

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