Hi Everyone,
Being that it's winter time here in America, many people have air-tight homes to stay warm there are dangers that many overlook that I'd like to point out.
I've searched past posts over 2 years and found relatively nothing about this topic so I thought I'd better share this.
1.) The Dangers of Radon gas to birds is lethal. Have your home tested yearly, and take action if the test levels are unacceptable. 1 in every 3 homes has some sort of radon gas level. some are very low, others very high. You can't see it or smell it. Leading cause of death to birds and lung cancer in humans. Just because you may have tested for it last year and have nothing or very low, doesn't mean it's always that way. Radon gas pockets move beneath the earth and seep into basements. I bought a used cage from a couple last spring, they lost all 4 parrots to what they claim was a sickness the maybe was passed from one bird to next they claim. Vet didn't know what exactly made them die.
So a couple weeks later I bought this test kit for the couple and ask them to test their basement, they were a bit hesitant at first thinking it couldn't be that because they themselves appeared healthy. The tests revealed high levels of Radon in the home, I advised them that hey, I'd get out of the house and get a professional to fix that before it kills you in time. It was closure for them as well as they now know what killed their birds.
The test is cheap, and will tell you the levels in your home. Do it for the birds as well as your own health.
Also, vent-less heaters (propane or natural gas wall heaters) be very very catious in using them) make it for emergency heat in case of power outage, and supply a little fresh air in area of birds. Carbon-monoxide will kill the birds or make them sick long before you realize the air quality has changed. Their lungs are very sensitive.
Being that it's winter time here in America, many people have air-tight homes to stay warm there are dangers that many overlook that I'd like to point out.
I've searched past posts over 2 years and found relatively nothing about this topic so I thought I'd better share this.
1.) The Dangers of Radon gas to birds is lethal. Have your home tested yearly, and take action if the test levels are unacceptable. 1 in every 3 homes has some sort of radon gas level. some are very low, others very high. You can't see it or smell it. Leading cause of death to birds and lung cancer in humans. Just because you may have tested for it last year and have nothing or very low, doesn't mean it's always that way. Radon gas pockets move beneath the earth and seep into basements. I bought a used cage from a couple last spring, they lost all 4 parrots to what they claim was a sickness the maybe was passed from one bird to next they claim. Vet didn't know what exactly made them die.
So a couple weeks later I bought this test kit for the couple and ask them to test their basement, they were a bit hesitant at first thinking it couldn't be that because they themselves appeared healthy. The tests revealed high levels of Radon in the home, I advised them that hey, I'd get out of the house and get a professional to fix that before it kills you in time. It was closure for them as well as they now know what killed their birds.
The test is cheap, and will tell you the levels in your home. Do it for the birds as well as your own health.
Also, vent-less heaters (propane or natural gas wall heaters) be very very catious in using them) make it for emergency heat in case of power outage, and supply a little fresh air in area of birds. Carbon-monoxide will kill the birds or make them sick long before you realize the air quality has changed. Their lungs are very sensitive.