Potter...Harry Potter


New member
Nov 9, 2006
one orange wing
I am so so excited just going to see the new H.P movie. I have all my sweeties...flying saucers my all time favorite and pop corn sweet. Poor hubby has to take me boys are away:( one in Magaluf Majorca and one in Equador) I will be a casting spells and a cursing on my return so for all u clipped birdies out there :61: wingardium leviosa (quick flick and whoosh of my wand) fly my little ones fly
Aww Karen I'm jealous.

I promised my boyfriend that I would wait and see it with him whenever he has read half of the 5th book. Hmmm...896 pages, 38 chapters....he's been reading it for 2 weeks and only just made it through chapter 5 last night. At this rate I'll be seeing it somewhere around the end of august/beginning of september. This computer won't allow me to insert any faces, so insert a few crying faces here.
Well Nicole, hes doing better than I am, Chapter One, book............................................ ONE :rolleyes: just can't seem to get the hang of it. :eek: I must be the only one ever not to get Harry Potter. :(
I'm one of the renegade fans I suppose ... I've not read a single book, but have all the movies thus far available and plan on adding to them with this new one. Never opened (to read) any of the books, and I don't own any either.
First book was the WORST. Actually there were points that I wanted to scratch at my eyes rather than continue reading. Unfortunately I had already read the second through fourth so I really wanted to see how this started.

Honestly though, JKR's writing style drives me nuts. I am not a fan, I just really like the world she created :(
I loved all the books. I am a huge fan of her imagination and like all the little details that she came up with. I think the books are much better then the movies.
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Sigh.... well thats that.. Husband bored to tears but I was like a pig in s*+#
I am such an escapist. I also prefer the books, and this is only book that I have been able to watch movie without being disappointed..Role on 21st new dbook preordered. I kinda fancy Snape . Think im attracted to wrong sort cause I find Bush attractive as well oh dear hormone dysfuntion time.:(
So the movie wasn't a let-down compared to the book? I was afraid it was going to be, b/c obviously they can't fit the ENTIRE book into the movie, but I just hope they didn't get rid of really important parts or do something different that makes no sense at all.

I pre-ordered book 7 umm..back in March, I think. Can't wait for it! I was going to pick it up at midnight when it gets released, but unfortunately it's my friends b-day and we'll be out :( Saturday is my friends bridal shower, so I won't be able to read it then either. Oh I hope noone ruins the end for me.

Peta- don't worry about being on Chapter 1 still, the books always start out on the slow side. Plus, if you've already seen the movies, then there really is no excitement or anticipation as to what will happen next. What did you think of the movies?
:eek: Ah well ya see, :eek: I haven't really um, seen any of them. :rolleyes:
Aw guys, now you made me do it...I started the first Harry Potter book tonight, just finished Chapter 1...wooooo, ahead of Peta!!! I love to read so I'll probably be finished by Monday, haha...
Peta...you will get the hang of HP after a few chapters. I JUST finally read the fourth book (too many books to read through high school and no time for my Harrry :) ) I can't wait to read and see the fifth movie though. Since I am still in Poland, Harry Potter hasn't come out here yet.
Aw guys, now you made me do it...I started the first Harry Potter book tonight, just finished Chapter 1...wooooo, ahead of Peta!!! I love to read so I'll probably be finished by Monday, haha...

:D You'll probably finish all the books before I finish this one, I keep picking it up and then putting it down to read MY book. Far easier to undertand. :D :D
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Think some awful spell hit me yesterday. Was in hospital Dr thinks I was passing a kidney stone...pain killers wouldnt touch it:smile014:
Home now just up but think going back to bed ..sooo knackered. nearest thing is labour. 6hrs of torture.:(
OMG, :eek: I hope your feeling better soon Karen.

nearest thing is labour. 6hrs of torture
O how I wish, 14 hours the first time, and 4 months and 12 hours the second. :eek: (Early labour pains from week 20)

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