potential new flockmates


New member
Jul 3, 2011
British Columbia, Canada
Kitoko: Female Senegal Parrot, born 2002
Talia: Female CAG, born 2008
Mateo: Female CAG, born 2008
So my brother in law decided to go out of his way amd purchase two african greys to be gift to us. Theyre 12 hours away and were still debating on recieving this gift. How does your sennie react to new birds around?
Sidney arrived into my home with two birds already here. When he joined the flock he wanted to kick feathered tail. I had to keep him closely clipped cause he would have gone right after the blue crowns given the chance. He is more accepting of the pair of them now but he still will probably attack if I allow him too close.

One of the things I did to desensitize him to their presence was to put the blue crowns on the top branches of the play pen and him on the bottom with a few pine nuts to keep him busy for a while. He works through pine nuts fairly quickly but the blue crowns take a long time to open just one. But they all had the sense of eating as a flock. I would usually munch on something too to join in. It seemed to work to a limited extent. Now instead of the "I'm gonna KILL you!" attitude, he has a slower "Better git or you gonna get bit" approach to them. And they know it. If they see him coming they will scoot. I hope he continues to improve his attitude over time.

I had read somewhere that Senegals are not very accepting of other species of birds. He certainly seems to be that way and my first Senegal, Kelly, acted like she wanted to mix it up if she saw another bird despite being a very gentle soul with any person who came near. But then again, I've seen a video somewhere of a Senegal and an African Grey who were best buddies.
At first glance a novice bird keeper would jump @ the opportunity to get their hands on not one but two Greys! So ask yourself are you ready to deal with all the dander that these two birds will produce? The senegal should not be the real focus. All birds given proper time will adjust to their setting, their environment. An African Grey is a very serious commitment. These birds are super smart but also very demanding. When things go bad they become infamous feather pluckers. Now not all Greys are neurotic some can be the best birds a person would want. Personally they will always be dear to me because that was my dream bird. However I can not withstand the dander they produce. My plan was to get a Meyers and Red Bellied this winter. However my wife convinced to get a female Ekkie. I will return her the favor by trying to convince her next year to get a male Ekkie. Just do due diligence and be honest with your self. You do not want end up two birds that you do not want. Now if you are ready for this commitment then go for it. Best of luck.
I forgot to add a little ringing endorsement about Ekkies. Greys are known to be one person birds. Well you are probably already accustomed to this since you have a Sennie. Ekkies on the hand are a all person bird similar to the Meyers. They do not produce dander. They speak very clearly. They are not aggressive as the Amazons. There only special need is their unique diet. Maybe an Ekkie would be the choice or maybe not. Just do your research.
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I appreciate your concern. I admit, we were hoping to get these birds a few years down the road, but we have considered all the potential complications and decided that we can indeed handle it. I plan on getting an air purifier to help with the dander, and neither my husband, myself, or our family members have any animal allergies, so I'm not to concerned with that. Between my husband's and my reverse work schedules we have plenty of time for these birds, and we plan on getting foreging toys and making a large bird tree to help relieve boredom.

I only ask about sennie jealousy because it is the only thing that makes me concerned regarding the greys.
Well enjoy! Greys are the smartest birds out there. Don't worry about the senegal. Being jealous is part of their personality. Mine 7 month old Sennie gets jealous if I talk to my wife! So should get rid of my beautiful wife of 16 years? Just enjoy your new Greys.
Greybeard makes very little dander. Chewbaca makes up for it.

Grey's are such fun, intelligent, amazing parrots. You will love having them I am sure! Portaperch, love the picture!!
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FineFeatheredFriend, I know exactly what you mean! I'm not the favourite, but I'll do in a pinch if the husband isn't home. If I kiss him hello when she's on one of our shoulders she starts making kissy sounds while growling!
Ms. Kerigan, keep us updated on your future Greys. I am very excited for you. Your brother-in law must be a very kind person to get you those beautiful intelligent birds. Parrots are so special I truly believe we should all have multiple birds as our flock. All the best to you and your family, peace.
Mozzie, another guest at a hotel in Merrill, Wisc, took the pic and did it up with photoshop for recreation while her hubby was driving. She emailed that and some more fun pix to me.


Great things happen when you take your parrot out in public.

We'll be looking for pix from the road, Karigan.
Those are such fun pictures portaperch! Love them!

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