Possible Heart Attack


New member
Jun 25, 2007
Colorado, USA
Mojo the magnificent Maximillian Pionus; Cecil the clowny Senegal; and, Timothy the shy, fearful Parrotlet
I've just received word that my father may have had a possible heart attack. I will be going over to Denver on Sunday and they should HOPEFULLY be getting him in (tho there is controversy with his insurance) for an angiogram and possible stint Monday (latest Tuesday).

He's had numerous heart problems and also has Parkinson's disease. It's been nearly 1/2 year since I've seen him ... and it is long past due. Just worried...
Stints are little miracle workers, my step-father has 2 and christy's dad has one as well ... they have saved my step-father's life ... and I am sure that they will do wonders for your father as well ... sending good JUJU your way!
Oh Deanna .... I am so sorry to hear about your dad ... all the best healing energy to him and hugs and cupcakes to you.
CUPCAKES - DAAAYUMM ... Hope you brought enough for the whole class!
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Thanks ... positive energy and juju ALWAYS welcome! (Love cupcakes, too, and I will most definitely SHARE!!). My father is 72 with numerous health problems ... many heart ones, to boot. Never know when one is of the serious ilk or just benign ... always hope for the best!!!
I'm sorry Deanna, I hope everything goes the right way and that your father is not seriously ill.
Thinking good thoughts for you and your family.. :)
Deanna, I'm so very sorry to hear about your Dad, Its amazing the wonders they can work now.
Not sure what a stint is?

Sending you and your family all our loves and best wishes. :07: We are always here if you need to talk.
Peta ... are you fooling around with the buttons again? 7 times you posted that one ... a stint is like a little spring that docs can put into your arteries in, and around, your heart and it allows blood to flow more freely around blockages.
Peta ... are you fooling around with the buttons again? 7 times you posted that one ... a stint is like a little spring that docs can put into your arteries in, and around, your heart and it allows blood to flow more freely around blockages.

Ah you saw that did ya, and I thought I was here alone, :eek: I'm not sure what I did, but I seem to do it without any problems. :D :04: 7's pretty good, I've managed 23 before :eek:

Thanks for that Tex, never heard of that one before,

Think I'm gonna go get some more coffee.
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Thanks everybody!! You are all very kind. I decided that with the uncertainty of when they will do the angiogram (it may be Monday, Tuesday ... or not, they don't know with the problems they've been experiencing with their insurance company and also, my dad is on Coumadin (sp?) so must have the procedure in the hospital for extra safety reasons). ... Anyway, with the uncertainty, I decided not to go over to Denver this weekend, but to let them get the angiogram underway and get the results. If (goodness forbid) he needs another by-pass, then I'll go over post haste. But, if they are able to resolve it with a stint or other lesser measures, then my presence is probably not needed right away.

I have an interview I am supposed to call about on Monday morning and didn't want to be late in returning the woman's inquiry.

So, I think it is best that I sit tight for the time being until we have further, more concrete information. I can tend to panic and blow things out of proportion when it comes to my father's health. Need to reign my fears in!

Thanks again, everybody!! :D
I can tend to panic and blow things out of proportion when it comes to my father's health

Thats very natural and understandable. I do hope all goes well.

You are in our thoughts.
Hey Deanna positive thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery for ur dad:angel-smi
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Thank you everybody.

I just posted this and got kicked out; so, I'll try to be brief as (being my age :eek: ) I cannot remember what I originally posted!!!! LOL

My father will not have his procedure (angiogram) until Friday; why the passage of time, I am not understanding.

But, my mother tends to make everything seem "OK" (even when it is not); my sister tends to have my father on his death bed (even when it is not the case). So, I think it is best for me to go over for the procedure so that I can talk with the physician directly.

Good JuJu, Mojo, positive thoughts, prayers, mantras ... what have you ... all are welcomed. I'm worried (to say the least :( ).
I know how that goes my step grandpa has been in and out of the hospital for several months with heart failure and his wife practically has him buried when you talk to her but when you talk to him he says he's doing pretty good. Relatives can be so trying sometimes that's why I love my FIDS :) I'm sorry you're having to go through this
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I know how that goes my step grandpa has been in and out of the hospital for several months with heart failure and his wife practically has him buried when you talk to her but when you talk to him he says he's doing pretty good. Relatives can be so trying sometimes that's why I love my FIDS :) I'm sorry you're having to go through this

Thank you, thank you birdcrazy! Couldn't have said it better myself!!! :D ;)
Good JuJu, Mojo, positive thoughts, prayers, mantras ... what have you ... all are welcomed. I'm worried (to say the least :( ).

I'm sending all of the above your way, Try not to worry too much (easy for me to say I know) your Dad is gonna be happy to see you and wouldn't want you worrying, (again I know that doesn't stop us, until you can find out definately whats going on) Take care We'll be thinking of you at this time. Hugs to you and your family.

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