Possible Expirory Date?


New member
Mar 19, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
Dallas and Tsukasa (Cockatiels)
Mango and Munchlax (Peach Faced Lovebirds)
3 years ago i bought the 8in1 brand Bird Salve (it's an antiseptic cream) from a local petstore. it's served me well, however it doesn't have an expiration date on it. i was sorting through our medicine cabinet and sorted through the pet needs.

should i chuck it out, or is it still okay? it's been used for bitten toes in the past, but not sure if it's too old to use after 3 years. figured i'd ask first.
All ointments, solutions, suspensions and meds in general have what's called a half-life. There comes a time when the strength of the med in question drops in effectiveness. Since there is no way of knowing how much it will drop, IMO, its always better to get fresh stuff.
alright, i will toss it :)

see, our Baytril has an expiration date on the bottle, and so does our AviPow. but the salve didnt lol

side note, is Betadine safe for use on birds? i know it's safe for cats.
This is a link for a first aid kit to be used to treat bird emergencies, it recommends betadine as well as chlorhexydine.

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