Poptart is not well..


New member
May 6, 2014
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South Florida
A cockatiel named Poptart
I had posted last night in general health and never got a response, I had to leave for 4 days because my Opa passed away. When I got back last night he was sleeping a lot, not making noises and just acting very weird.

I took him to the vet today and they did blood work and ran an in house blood panel. she said his phosphates were a bit high but everything looked ok. He is on Baytril twice a day and I have to weigh him everyday. He lost 4 grams since I first brought him in about 3 months ago.

He is going through his first molt but the Vet says it may be because I give him to much millet. He gets half a strand a day. Otherwise he only eats the fruit shaped pellets and of course veggies & fruits. He also was just staying puffy. I thought maybe he was sad because I left. The vet also gave him fluids.

I feel so bad for him and I am doing everything I can to be a good mommy, he is a spoiled baby. I should know in a couple of days how his blood panel looks. I miss hearing his whistles and his craziness. Please keep him in your thoughts, I don't think I can handle another big loss.
Hi hgr1374, I hope Poptart is OK. What a cute name! Be sure to ask the vet about his diet before you bring him home :)
Hoping the blood tests will tell your vet exactly what to do, so that little poptart can get well soon. Hang in there.
I hope he is ok. One good thing is cockatiels are typically hardy birds. My thoughts will be with you and poptart.
Today he is acting 100% normal!!! My family thinks it was because I left for 4 days and he was sad. He is chirping and going nuts like his normal self!! Is that possible that they can be depressed like that???
It could be because you left. I was gone for four days and Buddy was mad at me but he was striking out at me. He was depressed with my mother, she cared for him while I was gone. Keep us posted, I hope he was just upset and bounces back.
Oh good I'm glad to hear he is better! My tile got kinda sick when I took the curtain in my room out! He did not like the change. Maybe it is the same!
I got a call from the Dr and of course missed it! She said Poptart had an active immune response and that I need to keep him on Baytril for 7 days. I am not even sure what that means and of course they are now closed until Monday. Poptart has been doing wonderful and has gained. Guess I will know on Monday!

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