Poor poor Lovebirds !!!!!!


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
The weather here today is 13 deg, the wind is blowing furiously, it's overcast and it's drizzling.

A guy in the opposite complex has got two lovebirds.
A couple of weeks ago he invited me to meet the birds.
Beautiful awesome little creatures.

He went out early this morning, leaving the lovebirds on the balcony.
There is no cover on the cage !!!!!

Some people are so clueless not caring properly for their birds.

I pray those birds survive !!!!!
Naw. I meant I would go over there right now, pick the lock, and move the birds.

Cos thats just how i roll
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Damn it !!!
I just checked outside
While I was posting he came home and took the birds inside
At least they are now indoors.
When seeing him I will definitely talk to him
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Naw. I meant I would go over there right now, pick the lock, and move the birds.

Cos thats just how i roll

If I could I would have removed the birds.

Unfortunately there are burglar bars, I would have had to climb onto the balcony, which is extremely dangerous.

Last thing she posted they were being taken back inside....we'll see how things go once Ant comes back on.... :)
I would call my local SPCA, or animal control, or police.

I do not approach people anymore, too many crazies.

Also, you don't want these birds exposed to the weather for any longer than necessary.
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I had a word with the guardian today
Gave him the A - Z on birds and their well being etc
He was really apologetic and said he will be more careful in the future.

Time will tell !!!!

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