Poop Trained?


Oct 17, 2023
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Tusli= Black-Capped Conure x1
Hi. Weā€™ve had Tulsi 4wks tomorrow, sheā€™s (he?) 9mo old. This week Iā€™ve noticed a lot less poop in the birdcage and when we take her out, several times a day- her out of the cage hours before bedtime equates to about 4-6hrs total. - Anyway- she seems to only be pooping OUT of her cage- Iā€™ve even started taking a trash can to under her perch and sheā€™s using it.
My concern is, will she hold it too long? She will defecate when she needs to inside the cage right? I donā€™t want to intentionally potty train her but it looks like this is where it heading, or has gone? I clean her cage every night and tonight there was only 2 poops on the pan for the day. But sheā€™s pooped in the trash can several times and a few small moments on the floor, or her feeding counter (if/when I put food out for her outside her house). She will NOT poop on me- literally- if sheā€™s with me I already know her body language and I have figured out sheā€™s telling me she has to potty so I put her on her perch with the trash can, she potties and then flies right back to me.
You have... a great bird! They can poop anytime they want.......you have one of the smart ones that loves thier owner.

Do not worry, if they have to go they will. If in fact it knows where to go, you've won the game.
You have... a great bird! They can poop anytime they want.......you have one of the smart ones that loves thier owner.

Do not worry, if they have to go they will. If in fact it knows where to go, you've won the game.
Oh my gosh, thank you! She is so, so very smart but I really was starting to be concerned sheā€™d hold it if I have to leave for the day or something, and it cause issues. Thank you so much.
I don't think she'll hold it long enough to be a concern, I know we had a mini convo about this in another thread but my conure too likes to avoid pooping in her cage, but if I'm gone for the day or if I don't get around to letting her out until noon or whatever, she absolutely will poop when she needs to. I think at this point she thinks she has YOU trained--she's confident you'll let her out and show her to the toilet soon, so she holds it!
I don't think she'll hold it long enough to be a concern, I know we had a mini convo about this in another thread but my conure too likes to avoid pooping in her cage, but if I'm gone for the day or if I don't get around to letting her out until noon or whatever, she absolutely will poop when she needs to. I think at this point she thinks she has YOU trained--she's confident you'll let her out and show her to the toilet soon, so she holds it!
See, I knew I was reading through a similar thread the last day or so and was trying to find that one. Thanks hiriki. And yes, Iā€™m sure she does think Iā€™m the one trained.
I think my 4 legged girls feel the same way sometimes. šŸ˜‚
I met a lady yesterday in my co-op who raises Amazons, and her father before her; and even though itā€™s a different bird, she gave me some really helpful tips, just in general. But I forgot to mention the pooping thing lol

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