pomegranate, here there everywhere!!!


New member
Jan 13, 2011
:greenyellow: good mornin :D

well this morning after a fast look on net, i always do a quick check before offering her any new foods, no matter how usual they are to me :cool:

Diet: Safe & Toxic Foods

i thought i'd try nut on pomegranate and she loved it :32:
i just never realised how dam messy she is eating them!!! she picks one up, and pinches it with her beak till the skin breaks, then shakes her head!!:30: gives it a little chew, and shakes her head again :D

needless to say i'm gonna be spending most of my day cleaning, theres flecks and splashes of red juice, all over top end of my kitchen :eek: :52: so much for my day off!:mad::20:
Yeah, my birdies love pomegranate, especially my Ruby. I don't know why she feels the need to shake each piece, but she does and there's juice splashes everywhere. And remember, it stains.
Here is a little hint I developed to feed the messy pom. seeds. I Put a plate or bowl of them over the sink drain and then put my bird in the sink. Yes do not laugh, it works. Cleans up very easily.
or you could feed in the shower, then let the bird bathe!!
My husband has a produce company and Remington wont touch pomegranates, I have tried several times and my hubby hates wasting them
:grey:mine just love pomegranate messy or what i make mine smoothies x feed them with a spoon they onlyhave to hear the mixer x they get so excited in the summer i make them frozen fruit lollies when they out in the garden :grey:

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