PM folders


Active member
Dec 12, 2010
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Jake YNA 1970,Kia Panama amazon1975, both i removed from nest and left siblings, Forever Home to,Stacie (YN hen),Mickie (RLA male),Blinkie (YNA hen),Kong (Panama hen),Rescue Zons;Nitro,Echo,Rocky,Rub
How can i save old messages to a new folder to clean out my sent/received folders that can only hold 100 messages. I've deleted everything i can and need space for incoming messages. I've started a new folder but can't seem to find the option to move the selected messages to that folder.
Hmm....I just tried doing the same thing, Capt and created a new folder. I also don't have the option of moving selected messages into that folder.

I will bring this to the attention of the other mods to see if they maybe know how to help. :)
You first must create a new folder by going into the list to the left of you private messages screen and look for the section that says "PRIVATE MESSAGES" and at the bottom of that category is "EDIT FOLDERS" click on that and it will take you to a screen which will give you options to create a new folder. You have to NAME the new folder and click save.

At the top of your private messages page, is your "Folder Controls", the new folder should show up there once you click on the arrow as a drop down menu.

Next, go to which ever PM you want to transfer to the NEW FOLDER. Then go all the way to the left where you will see a little box, click on the box to check it. Then go to the bottom of your PM list where you will find another box that says "SELECT MESSAGES", it will have an arrow, click on the arrow, which is a drop down menu, there you should see "MOVE TO FOLDER. Highlight "Move to Folder" and then click on "GO". This should move any of the messages to the new folder that you have created.
I did all that but don't get the "move to folder" option. I created the new folder. and see it in the drop down box. After selecting the messages and moving to lower drop down box ,there's no option to move them to a folder.
Did you notice the "MOVE TO FOLDER" option at the bottom of your PM page where you either decide to Move folder, delete, keep as read or unread? If you have that option, once to check the box on which ever message you want moved, you select go to move it from the read messages to the new folder. It should automatically move the message to the new folder once you hit go. To verify that you have created a new folder, it should show up on the top of your PM page where to have the option to either In Box, Sent Box or new folder. If it doesn't indicate new folder, then you didn't do something right.
Thanks Mike, i have that option now, but for some reason didn't have it before. Got it all cleared out now. Thanks again
I think when you first create a new folder, you have to log off of your Mail box and then log back on for it to load up the new folder. I noticed the same thing with mine. When I first created a new folder, it wasn't there. But after logging off and then back on BAM like magic:)
Still doesn't help me any,,, The messages in that folder still count against how many PMs i can have. There's no way to save PMs with peoples contact info , only option is to delete if you want to get any more PMs.
No that doesn't help you to store more messages as everyone have a limit of a100 messages allowed total doesn't matter which folder you store it I .
What about Downloading the messages as text or another format?
I did that with the older PMs . Just more trouble to access them. Of course now i can store 2500 PMs . Wonder how long it will take to use them LOL.
Ya, I knew you had more storage now. I only recently started using the download feature from forums and it does help to clean up some space! :) I still prefer them being in the PM format though... lol

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