Plz help urgent..............


New member
Dec 8, 2012
India, WB & UP(in laws)
3 alexandrines
.Ive lost my juvenile alexandrine parrot TITU yesterday about 1pm in the afternoon. He is a friendly and a lovable guy with lots of funny activities.

He's never done this before and i dunno where my boy is, how is he/ scared/ hungry/cold..............:'(

His buddy n best frnd TIPU is calling him out i think he's gone too far.....i tried my best and so did my dad but of no use..............we couldnt locate him, as if he was so scared tht he never knew where he kept flying......

i tried whistling, calling, recording tipu's calls and grabbing his attention with tht but of no use..............

I'm worried about my dad even more as he was TOO attached with titu,he was his first dad is heart broken.

He flew suddenly as i was gonna put him back into the cage......plz help me....any neighbors in my locality are not tht friendly n have tht finders keepers mentality.......

i dunno where my boy is, how he is, moreover i cant face my dad.......i feel guilty of flying him away............plz help me get him back.......tipu is so silent and so quiet without him

i've heard alexandrines are telepathic, is it true........plz help me, i have my exams and i cant stop worrying and crying over our family's loss!!!! Plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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All you can do is keep looking and doing what your doing. I have read many posts of people who had their birds found days after something like this. Good luck finding your little buddy.
I'm sorry that this happened to you:(.

May I also suggest hanging up posters with his picture on them around your town, not just in your neighborhood because birds can fly relatively far in a short time. Offer a reward, that offten will motivate people to give him back to you.

Also go to different veterinary clinics and animal shelters (rescues), people will bring animals they find to these locations. Ask them if you can hang up a poster in there facility and to keep an eye for your bird. Let them know if he's microchipped or leg band number if you know it.

Other than that keep doing what your doing and don't give up to soon. Like sherry said there are people who have lost their birds for several days before they found them.

Good luck and I hope for the best for you and your family. Keep us posted I truly hope you find him.
If you could give a general indication of where you are, I dont mean your full address, but there might be people on here that live in a similar area and could keep a look out for you. :)
Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear about this. Posters all over the place, even local vets and rescues and humane societies - because someone may bring him there or call them. Also, police, fire depts, churches, schools, whatever you can think of. The more people that know about it the better. As anyone that addresses groups of local residents at meetings and stuff to mention it with your contact info.

I pray that you find him. Don't give up hope. Also, please talk with your dad about possibly clipping wings on Tipu.
so sorry to hear, i know how you feel as my baby escaped after me only having him for 2 weeks. i found him not far from home (no more then 300m) up in a high tree the next morning.
just keep looking and dont forget to look up. he will be scared
dont give up, you will get him back
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All you can do is keep looking and doing what your doing. I have read many posts of people who had their birds found days after something like this. Good luck finding your little buddy.

Thanks neighbor called us, told they heard him whistling around 11 am today but as soon as i reached there.......again no hopes at all.....

but am hopeful, praying to god and talking to him in my heart,i'm just heartbroken how all the others have opted for complete silence....cant bear their misery......

secondly, i'm hoping and quit sure that he's looking for us but just is confused as it is his first side in the outside world all by himself, hungry and cold...........

Hope he returns, we dearly miss him and his famous calling-"PAPA":smile040:

Thnx for ur support........hope god reunites my dear titu with tipu.......:51:
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so sorry to hear, i know how you feel as my baby escaped after me only having him for 2 weeks. i found him not far from home (no more then 300m) up in a high tree the next morning.
just keep looking and dont forget to look up. he will be scared
dont give up, you will get him back

Thnx gemini, my neighbor told me they heard him today 11am approx. My dad searched all areas near and far yesterday, but of no use. I feel he flew all the way scared of the vehicles and their horns...very far away. My neighbor has an indian ring neck parakeet who used to communicate with him, has been quite noisy and restless today, and the same neighbor brought us this good praying he returns, all the others have gone mum after he fled, he was the life of the gang!!!!!

Praying he'd come back soon, miss his frequent-"PAPA":51:
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I'm sorry that this happened to you:(.

May I also suggest hanging up posters with his picture on them around your town, not just in your neighborhood because birds can fly relatively far in a short time. Offer a reward, that offten will motivate people to give him back to you.

Also go to different veterinary clinics and animal shelters (rescues), people will bring animals they find to these locations. Ask them if you can hang up a poster in there facility and to keep an eye for your bird. Let them know if he's microchipped or leg band number if you know it.

Other than that keep doing what your doing and don't give up to soon. Like sherry said there are people who have lost their birds for several days before they found them.

Good luck and I hope for the best for you and your family. Keep us posted I truly hope you find him.

hi tro, thnx for ur support, but unfortunately there is no vet around here, and moreover people here are like often less co-operative, we even fear that he maybe caught by some1 else and tht person may hide him from us.....:11:

Wella sign of hope, my neighbor who also has an indian ring neck parakeet, has heard my boy's voice today like around 11am. I got the news by 1pm so he wasnt there,but i'm quite hopeful tht he's trying to return back home. I'm just praying and talking to him in my heart. But actually am much worried about the others who've grown so silent and scared.....:17:

lets see, u guys have been supportive enough, hoping ur support and concern would help him back as i strongly believe he's attached to us mentally....thnx buddy.....
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Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear about this. Posters all over the place, even local vets and rescues and humane societies - because someone may bring him there or call them. Also, police, fire depts, churches, schools, whatever you can think of. The more people that know about it the better. As anyone that addresses groups of local residents at meetings and stuff to mention it with your contact info.

I pray that you find him. Don't give up hope. Also, please talk with your dad about possibly clipping wings on Tipu.

Hi wbap, thnx for ur suggestion. You see actually we have/had four of them,and the smaller pair was to be mine(for my in-laws place), so i had the liberty to clip their wings, but my dad..................he's strong against clippin wings, he considers them i cant. And unfortunately there is no vet around here, and moreover people here are like often less co-operative, we even fear that he maybe caught by some1 else and tht person may hide him from us.....

Well a sign of hope, my neighbor who also has an indian ring neck parakeet(who's crazily squawking since then,and with whom titu used to have a lot os conversation), has heard my boy's voice today like around 11am. I got the news by 1pm so he wasnt there,but i'm quite hopeful tht he's trying to return back home. I'm just praying and talking to him in my heart. But actually am much worried sick about the others who've grown so silent and scared.....

lets see, u guys have been supportive enough, hoping ur support and concern would help him back as i strongly believe he's attached to us mentally....thnx buddy.....
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If you could give a general indication of where you are, I dont mean your full address, but there might be people on here that live in a similar area and could keep a look out for you. :)

Well we're in india, in west bengal, where r u frm.......hope u cud help.....:17::smile040:
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We havnt found him sad, hope where ever he is, he's safe and healthy......thnx for the support guys.....
I am so orry you are going through this. This happened to a few of my grandparents cockateils.... they felt is was cruel to clip their wings. I am not sure what your religious affiliation is, but pray to Saint Francis, patron saint of animals. There is still hope!!!! I will say a prayer for him tonight, and for you and your fam.
I'm sorry you lost your bird. Could you try putting the other ones outside in a cage so he could possibly hear them? Or maybe taking them out with you while you drive around, so their noise might attract him?

Don't lose hope just yet. I got Darcy after he landed on somebody's shoulder in a park! We were unable to find the owner. From the looks of his feathers and beak, he'd likely been out there a few weeks, and who knows how far he flew? I clipped his wings as soon as I got him!
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Thnx remy....

thnx but last i remem i think i saw him with a female was a mating season for them maybe he's found his family............jst hope tht where ever he is he's happy healthy and fine.....

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