PLS HELP 🚨 introducing veggies


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2022
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Hello! I was wondering if someone can help me and give me tips and tricks on how to get your bird to eat a variety of veggies in a chop!

My male, 4-5 month old cockatiel’s main diet is pellets. Occasionally he will eat some millet and seeds as treats, and he eats a tiny bit of veggies every day. So far I have introduced some veggies to him and he honestly only likes to eat them separately rather than all mixed together 😭

So far, he Loves spinach, parsley and broccoli. I tried to give him some fruit like papaya, apples and pears but he really only licks them and then becomes uninterested. He only kinda likes green bell peppers, but not as much as the other veggies I mentioned above. Also, he is very scared of colourful things and food which I don’t understand why because I thought birds like colour!

I have made a chop of broccoli, spinach, parsley, a slice of apple, cucumber, and bell peppers. He really doesn’t eat the chop, he only likes it when I pick out his fave veggies out of it and feed him separately.

Pls help! I don’t want him to be on a all seed and pellet diet forever! I believe veggies are important for his growth and overall health. I really want my baby to live a long and healthy life :)

Can someone mention some tricks or tips they use for their picky eaters? Anyone know of new veggies to try out and how to get him to eat chop! Any recommendations will be very appreciated 💗

Thanks to anyone who replies! 🦢
Ive had these issues with my cockatiel before
Here are some tips;
1) mix the chop with seeds
make sure to mix them well so the seeds do have the taste of the vegtebles on them
2)offer it in very thin slices and you might even cover it with seeds (this worked for my tiki)
3)put a bowl of veggies and fruits and start pretend eating it (or actually eat it) and make yummy noises birds are usauly very curios they will bw interested in what you are eating
here some videos that can help :)

Ive had these issues with my cockatiel before
Here are some tips;
1) mix the chop with seeds
make sure to mix them well so the seeds do have the taste of the vegtebles on them
2)offer it in very thin slices and you might even cover it with seeds (this worked for my tiki)
3)put a bowl of veggies and fruits and start pretend eating it (or actually eat it) and make yummy noises birds are usauly very curios they will bw interested in what you are eating
here some videos that can help :)

Thank you! ❤️
Hello! I was wondering if someone can help me and give me tips and tricks on how to get your bird to eat a variety of veggies in a chop!

My male, 4-5 month old cockatiel’s main diet is pellets. Occasionally he will eat some millet and seeds as treats, and he eats a tiny bit of veggies every day. So far I have introduced some veggies to him and he honestly only likes to eat them separately rather than all mixed together 😭

So far, he Loves spinach, parsley and broccoli. I tried to give him some fruit like papaya, apples and pears but he really only licks them and then becomes uninterested. He only kinda likes green bell peppers, but not as much as the other veggies I mentioned above. Also, he is very scared of colourful things and food which I don’t understand why because I thought birds like colour!

I have made a chop of broccoli, spinach, parsley, a slice of apple, cucumber, and bell peppers. He really doesn’t eat the chop, he only likes it when I pick out his fave veggies out of it and feed him separately.

Pls help! I don’t want him to be on a all seed and pellet diet forever! I believe veggies are important for his growth and overall health. I really want my baby to live a long and healthy life :)

Can someone mention some tricks or tips they use for their picky eaters? Anyone know of new veggies to try out and how to get him to eat chop! Any recommendations will be very appreciated 💗

Thanks to anyone who replies! 🦢
I think if you start to sprinkle a bit of the chop on his food everyday but starting to increase the amount even more could help, it would slowly transition him over, and you should also let your parrot play with the food, and try giving him some crunchy textures mixed in with the chop, some parrots really love that.
Great advice from the above posters. Don't get discouraged as birds can be very picky eaters. This can take some time. Food presentation can be everything as well as birds are so visual. So yes, sometimes garnishing the veggies can make a world of difference. Especially with something you find that your bird loves.
With my birds.....I say they cannot has the veggies, it's mine then eat some.....then I say NO as they eat the every time.
@Zoruace thanks a lot for those links. My 'Tiel won't touch veggies or fruit and those vids gave me some ideas to try.
I find my tiels weren't big on fruit. Broccoli and SPinach were more popular, especially if I snuck it into birdy bread :D.
Hello! I was wondering if someone can help me and give me tips and tricks on how to get your bird to eat a variety of veggies in a chop!

My male, 4-5 month old cockatiel’s main diet is pellets. Occasionally he will eat some millet and seeds as treats, and he eats a tiny bit of veggies every day. So far I have introduced some veggies to him and he honestly only likes to eat them separately rather than all mixed together 😭

So far, he Loves spinach, parsley and broccoli. I tried to give him some fruit like papaya, apples and pears but he really only licks them and then becomes uninterested. He only kinda likes green bell peppers, but not as much as the other veggies I mentioned above. Also, he is very scared of colourful things and food which I don’t understand why because I thought birds like colour!

I have made a chop of broccoli, spinach, parsley, a slice of apple, cucumber, and bell peppers. He really doesn’t eat the chop, he only likes it when I pick out his fave veggies out of it and feed him separately.

Pls help! I don’t want him to be on a all seed and pellet diet forever! I believe veggies are important for his growth and overall health. I really want my baby to live a long and healthy life :)

Can someone mention some tricks or tips they use for their picky eaters? Anyone know of new veggies to try out and how to get him to eat chop! Any recommendations will be very appreciated 💗

Thanks to anyone who replies! 🦢
I got my two very picky budgies to eat veggies by taking whatever fruit or vegetable and picking a piece off with my nail. That way it’s very tiny. They took that like a pellet. So I did that for a while then started making the pieces bigger and now they eat veggies without doing that. They love chop now. I do recommend using Strawberries to get him to test new foods.
I know strawberries are fruit but the seeds on them are what the bird will want to try. And definitely keep using broccoli they look like seeds so try feeding him a few of those. You may want to cut the tops off so it looks like little green seeds. How this helps!
I tried the "nom nom this is good" trick with a carrot and offered it to Beebs, and he ran from it. Totally not interested :(
It does not work for Kiko either 😭 he only eats what he likes. He’s getting braver and is willing to at least try new foods I give him, but so far he isn’t wanting to eat any of them. The ONLY veggie he likes is spinach, and he also likes cilantro. So, I try to make sure he eats at least 2 leaves of spinach but I’m still trying to make him eat other veggies too!
Shaving the carrots with a potato peeler might work, too. Silly bird! Veggies are good for you! :D
You're doing great at offering new things all the time.

It took Cotton probably 15 times of throwing red pepper out of his bowl before deciding it was yummy. And now he eats it every time :)
I tried the "nom nom this is good" trick with a carrot and offered it to Beebs, and he ran from it. Totally not interested :(
No you have to say they cannot have then push them away! they have to no it's forbidden!

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