PLEASE READ : Anything added to water...


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
Read something so interesting and informative today.

Anything added to water, can accumulate on the birds beak and can be deposited on the feathers while preening.

Some parrots develop feather-picking habits because they do not have access to clear water.

If any medication or drops are needed and added to the water, please replace with fresh water a.s.a.p.

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Would never had thought of something like that !
Thanks for sharing that info , very interesting.
My vet told me to add drops to Bella's water because she is under weight. I repplace the water as soon as I see Sully drink it(he feeds her so I have to give the water to him).
I watched a segment from an avian vet that said if you have to medicate or supplement in water that you ALSO need to let the bird have access to pure unadulterated water, so if you continue to supplement to you should add a second pure water bowl.
I do, it took Sully a little while to figure out what was it the water so I had to give him plain water too.
that exortation for clean water is also contained within that top ten video posted here already under the general information heading as a sticky
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that exortation for clean water is also contained within that top ten video posted here already under the general information heading as a sticky

Thanks for your input goalerjones

There is a method in my madness, many members have still not seen it.

Thanks once again


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