Please help


New member
Sep 10, 2015
Kind of a long story, but I'll try to be brief.

My parents have had a blue and gold macaw for 12 years named Jack. I worked at the pet store they got him from when he was a hatchling. He is essentially my "mom's" bird. My parents do not have any money restrictions--he has had the BEST care you can imagine. A gigantic cage, a shower rod in their shower for baths, three gigantic perch's around the house and all the toys you can imagine, 24/7 attention, a heater and humidifier in his room to monitor the temp, etc. His vet care is top notch (he had a respiratory thing 5 years ago and my parents took him to the vet school for scoping, etc).

About 2 years ago, my parents had to sell their house (too much maintenance since they are older) and they moved into a townhouse (they still have all of his perches/toys, etc). They are both retired. He actually did really well with the move. Shortly after this time, my mom lost her sister and best friend, and has been suffering from mild dementia. It's mostly short term memory stuff, she remembers anything long term. Now that they are both retired, they have unlimited time. Now that they have all this time they have been traveling a lot. My sister and I care for the birds (they also have a lovebird) when they are gone. About 6 months ago they went on the longest vacation ever (2 weeks), and as soon as they got home Jack acted like my mom was the most horrible person on the planet. He even would let my dad pick him up (this is strange). Figuring it was a temper tantrum, they ignored it and would ignore him when he was being a brat, but it never stopped. My mom has since had to go to the ER twice from where he seemed to lunge and bite her (once on the lip) out of nowhere. I've witnessed it myself. He still loves and treats me the same as he has for 12 years (has never tried to lunge at me) even though I visit only about once a month. He's always been especially fond of me since I helped raise him at the pet store.

As you can imagine, my mom has been extremely depressed about this. Neither she or myself has any idea what to do. Basically her other child now treats her like she's the devil. They took him to the vet in hopes of finding some help, but they only gave her a calming medication (i'm not sure what it was) to put in his water. This just made him extremely weird. Like... lights are on but nobody's home, so they stopped giving it to him. I have suggested they frequently change around his toys (more so than normal), let him hang out on his various perches longer, etc, but nothing has helped. Everytime I talk to my mom about it, she's in tears. They don't know what to do, but he's basically become dangerous around her :( I have considered that maybe her change in short term memory behavior has made him uneasy, but nothing you can really do about it. I can't take him because I am practically never home with my job and horses, so I this is my last effort to try and seek help.

ANYTHING is appreciated!
I don't know how to answer this one. Medicating/Sedating the bird isn't the answer. I don't think there's anything wrong with him.

Maybe your Mom's condition causes the bird to sense something about her has changed, and he's apprehensive now. I don't know.

I wish I knew how to help, but I just don't on this one.
I'm so sorry that your family is going through this. I know my grandmother had slight dementia when she was quite older, similar sounding to your mother. She became very sensitive and would go into tears over extremely minor set backs. (such as the computer crashed and she'd call in tears) This was a huge change from her being the emotional rock of the family. Birds are emotionally like toddlers, so I can imagine that this change would effect them strongly and cause a lot of hurt feelings on both sides and the bird may really try and take advantage of the perceived weakness. I can imagine if my Nonie had a large bird that was her best buddy a lot of pain this would cause emotionally.

I don't have a lot of answers for you, however is it possible that your dad can take the position of emotional rock and leader for the bird?
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I'm so sorry that your family is going through this. I know my grandmother had slight dementia when she was quite older, similar sounding to your mother. She became very sensitive and would go into tears over extremely minor set backs. (such as the computer crashed and she'd call in tears) This was a huge change from her being the emotional rock of the family. Birds are emotionally like toddlers, so I can imagine that this change would effect them strongly and cause a lot of hurt feelings on both sides and the bird may really try and take advantage of the perceived weakness. I can imagine if my Nonie had a large bird that was her best buddy a lot of pain this would cause emotionally.

I don't have a lot of answers for you, however is it possible that your dad can take the position of emotional rock and leader for the bird?

Thank you! This is actually very helpful. What you described about her being overly sensitive is exactly how it is and I never even thought about it like that.

After I posted this I went over to their house to visit. My mom told me he was really good yesterday, but her and my dad were "out late" last night and this morning he was really nasty to her. When I went over, he of course acted like a puppy to me, but every time he looked at her in a suspicious way she would make a comment that he didn't want her around when I was giving him attention, and would look sad about it. I told her that she can't keep taking it personally and she would say she wasn't, but I told her that she was whether she realized it or not (which he obviously can tell). It did make me feel better that she told me that since they started changing his toys around every day (vs once a month) he has had more "good times" than tantrums which is promising.

That is very interesting about the "emotional rock" idea. That does sound like what is happening with my dad, and he is more than happy to assume that role. I will talk to him about it so maybe if he has that idea, he can keep up with it.

And of course it's impossible to talk about your birds without pictures :) :
Jack and I
My mom and Jack (before all this started)
He's a beautiful bird and obviously well loved. I wish you all the best, it may take some adjusting for Jack, but with family support and some changes in birdy leadership I hope that all can go back to normal for your family.
Heart wrenching situation here. Beautiful bird. I will ponder a bit and think of some reply that can help. Even if a little.

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