please help my dove


New member
Aug 16, 2011
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Cockatiel, Green cheek Conure, Albino ringneck dove
Hello everyone!!
Ill try to keep this short. So I have a albino ring neck dove. I've had her for about a year now no issues at all. She is living with 2 other birds , a male cockatiel :grey:about 1 year old and a male Green Cheek Conure:green2: about 5 years old. Everything was fine until one day the feathers around under her neck fell out and i didn't think much of it. But after a week her whole chest is missing feathers along with around her eye and back of the neck. I got worried and took her to the vet. The vet said that shes not sure whats wrong with her but wanted $1500 to try to figure out what is wrong. She suggested because she is living with male birds she feels the need to lay eggs ( she has laid one at the time of her feather loss)and because of that her body is using all her energy to sit on the egg hence her loosing weight and being a bit dehydrated. She suggested a injection of Lupron to help stabilize her hormone level. Last night I noticed she was sitting at the bottom of the cage very wobbly. I took her out and gave her food and water and she acted as if she has never eaten or drank in her life. As of right now she is separated from the other birds but now has energy to perch. My question is has this ever happened to any of your birds before? Also my bird is extremely skinny and was wondering if there is any way to fatten her up? She is on a pellet and bird seed diet. I was thinking maybe the exact baby bird mix? I have also attached photos.
Thanks Everyone!!!


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Sorry, nothing to add, but we wish your birdy good thoughts.
I have a friend at work with a cockatiel and a dove. she had to separate the two birds because the cockatiel was attaching the dove.

I am not saying this is what is happening in your case but it's did happen to someone I know. Keeping them separated at least for now sounds like a good idea.
It is generally not advisable to house birds who aren't breeding pairs (much less vastly different species) in the same cage together. I would get your dove her own cage that is near your parrots, but only allows the birds to hang out together when supervised. I would also make sure that they have appropriate diets based on species (doves may have different dietary needs than parrots, that I'm not sure on). It is not uncommon for birds to pluck another bird in the same cage as well as to hog food/water.
Well stated by the above members!

The dove is able to pluck most of that area, but not all of it. That in and of itself clear states that another Parrot is pluck those areas that the Dove cannot and likely all of it.

I am guessing that you visited a Small Animal Vet, because the majority of what you have described (past along to the Vet) and is clearly obvious regarding the plucking issue, plus the other Parrot blocking access to food and water would have been clear to a CAV (Certified Avian Vet). Physical Examination, Full Blood Screen and Gram Stain, and what the heck, lets add a couple of X-rays just to up the cost is under that price level in most of North America.

At this point, providing baby bird formula is likely not going to hurt as a means of getting some food in that Dove. Do a search for Dove Diet requirements. Take great care in assure that the consistency and temperature is appropriate so that you do not make things worst.

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