Please Do Not Eat Me!


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Middlebury, VT
CAG Quincy - BD 3/27/00. Gotcha 6/00 ~ GW Macaw Savannah - BD 6/21/93. Gotcha 4/13 ~ B&G Macaw Coqui - BD 9/3/03. Gotcha 10/13 ~ Blue Crown Conure Sidney - BD Unknown Approx 5 Years Old. Gotcha 6/15/
We were watching an IMAX documentary called Under the Sea with Coqui and she was quite mesmerized by it! Unfortunately I think she thought the fish were going to jump out of the screen and eat her. LOL! Here are some pics of her enjoying the movie.

The Sweet Life Of A Parrot: Please Don't Eat Me!!
Hey, nice blog. I just poked around a little bit and enjoyed the different anecdotes and photos.
Coqui is such a beautiful girl! TV's great until it turns on you. Poor Coqui, hope she went to bed before it got too scary.
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Hey, nice blog. I just poked around a little bit and enjoyed the different anecdotes and photos.

Thanks! I really enjoy doing the blog. It really is a lot of fun! I enjoy sharing info with others with the same passion and it has become my birdie scrapbook! :D

Coqui is such a beautiful girl! TV's great until it turns on you. Poor Coqui, hope she went to bed before it got too scary.

Thank you! :D Yes, I finally put her to bed as it was evening as it was. I didn't want her having nightmares! :eek: She was fine the next morning by the way. ;)

She is so BEAUTIFUL! She also looks so happy.

Thank you! :D That second pic is my current favorite of her. She looks so cute and happy in it!

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