Pleae help! My 23 years old Indian Ringneck Parakeet is extremely sick


New member
Oct 21, 2018
I woke up today to find my Indian ringneck not as responsive as usual. He is sedentary and his eyes are closed. His feathers are fluffed and his breathing seems lethargic. His wings are a bit droopy and supported on his perch. There is no nasal discharge that I can see. At some point he went for the water to wet his head once or twice. He is not eating.

My parents gave him a bath with the water hose outdoors last night. They do this frequently in the summer. It is a scorching 45C degrees here in Baghdad. A local vet prescribed antibiotics after looking at him for 10 seconds while inside his cage. But my bird just wonā€™t eat or drink. Should I force feed him with a syringe? Vets arenā€™t known to be the best here in my location so Iā€™m looking for other opinions. Iā€™ve included pictures of other medications that another vet prescribed for your reference.

Weā€™ve had this ringneckfor 23 years since I was 5. Any help/advice you can share is appreciated. Feel free to ask/request any info and Iā€™ll provide them.
Any chance of getting him to a real Avain Vet? He is obviously a very sick birdy. None of us here is a vet or really qualified to give hard medical advice, but the meds shown are antibacterial and if this is a bacterial infection they may help. If he is not eating or drinking, maybe dissolving the meds into a small amount of water or apple juice and administering it would be a way to get them meds into him. Poor boy, I hope he gets better.
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Thanks for your reply. Sadly he died shortly after I posted the thread. It was New Castle disease. I hope nobody feels the pain of losing a parrot theyā€™ve had for decades since childhood.
Oh no! My sincerest condolences for the loss of your ringneck. You're in good company here, as many of us know the heartbreak of losing a companion parrot. We understand. Take the time you need to grieve, and then enjoy the happy memories of good times with him.
I'm so very sorry for your loss, rosering! So many of us here have experienced the loss of a beloved feathered companion and understand how heartbreaking it is - you are definitely among friends! The love you feel for your precious bird is clear from your writing, and that love will be all around you and in your heart always. My most heartfelt condolences go out to you.

Fly straight and fast on bright wings to the Rainbow Bridge, sweet one, until we all meet again!
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Your words bring me comfort in a time that I need it the most ā¤ļø Iā€™m so grateful for this loving community. His name was Judy and he was a member of our family in many ways. He will forever live in my memories.
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To be honest Iā€™m finding it difficult to deal with his passing. I keep thinking I shouldā€™ve played with him more or shouldā€™ve done this or that. He was always easy to love in times when I couldnā€™t love anyone else. Itā€™s hard to explain but I hope those feelings will pass...


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I'm so sorry for your loss of Judy. I think it's natural to think of the things we could have done differently when we lose a beloved member of the family. In time I hope that all you have are the wonderful memories of your life together.
Fly free, Judy, you will be missed and remembered always.
Oh rosering, Judy looks like such a lovely birdie, it should be no surprise that his loss has hit you so hard. There are no magic words that can immediately take away the pain, and the grief that you feel is sadly the price that we inevitably pay for loving these special, magical creatures so very much. Please try not to dwell on all the "what ifs" and the "should haves", although from personal experience I know that is very hard to do. The passage of time will eventually dull the sharpness of your pain, but in the meantime please know that this community is here for you. Judy was so lucky to have had you to love him for so long, I hope you will take some comfort in that knowledge.

My thoughts are very much with you.
I'm so very saddened by your loss. Most of us know the pain first hand.

Burds evolved to hide being sick, they can help it its hard wired into them to do this. By the time a bird physically can't hide it anymore they are critically ill and close to deaths door. Many can be saved with quickly getting them veterinarian care and intense supportive nursing. But many can't, even with the above.

One of our best tools is a scale and weekly weight check. As nearly all burds will drop weight when something is wrong . And when caught at first weight drop and action taken they recover. As they usually haven't gotten into a life threatening state when caught early. A digital kitchen gram scale works well.

Your parrot lived a long good life . You are not to blame. If only they would let us know!!
I'm only sharing what I can because I'm sure when your heart has time to heal , you will have another parrot companion to share your love with.

Also, search out and establish yourself with a qualified vet. Check poops daily for any change . Check and keep a log of weight. Be prepared to offer supplement heat for sick birds, a radiant heat source is best. Extra warmth can be life saver no matter what temp is. Keep hand feeding baby bird formula on hand and in date. If ever needed don't force, offer by syringe at beak top let them drink it. Have them used to taking things from you by hand, or things you might ever have to hide meds in like warm oatmeal, or scramble eggs.. Always if anything seems off quickly to the vet. These are the only things we can do to try and be prepared.

I've had one take treats from seem perfect only to return an hour later to her having passed from a hidden infection. So please nothing above is judgment. They are only what we can try and do to pick up on hidden issues
Since you live in Baghdad, if you ever needed a vet, Kuwait is too close. If itā€™s possible to come by a car, youā€™re more than welcomed. Thereā€™s a good vet.
I am so sorry for your loss. I have a rose breastfed cockatoo for just under a year and he was lost for 3 days by a pet sitter that left the sliding door open and I was devastated so I can't even imagine what you must be going through. They are such wonderful creatures. My thoughts are with with you and will research this disease as I am a new parrot owner and have no experience with them.

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