Plastic Chain - Caution


New member
Nov 24, 2010
Nanday, suns, parrotlet, Patagonian
Was just going through yesterday's E-mail & thought this was worth posting.....

A friend of mine in Texas has a female ekkie that is recuperating from a bruised wing & side. During the day, Daisy has a closed-in patio to enjoy and they hung several lengths of plastic chain for climbing & playing.....

Apparently Daisy has chewed on several links, but it had not been noticed.....anyway, over the weekend Daisy was really enjoying herself, swinging & bouncing on her chain, when one of the links broke & she did a Tarzan vine swing into the brick wall. Their vet figures she couldn't get her toes out of the links fast enough & her weight acted like a clock pendulum....

My friend said he almost ended up in the hospital seems he witnessed Daisy's injury & tripped over a braided throw rug, trying to get to Daisy.....

When I read the message I thought of Fargo's new aerial play area, so if you provide long plastic chains for your bird's climbing pleasure, keep close check on possible chewing damage, especially if this chain is used to hang toys or anything of any weight.....
Definitely! I check Fargos plastic chain every day to make sure he hasnt chewed anything so it would fall down...

He has had it for 2 months and hasnt chewed any of it at all, because i have sections on his play areas which are 'chew plastic chain' and the ones hung up are just for walking and playing so he never bothers with chewing on it, he just hangs and uses it to get to different areas! Then when he does feel like chewing, he goes down to his gyms and chews that chain instead... He isnt a silly boy thats for sure!

Sorry to hear about your friend! Glad they are ok
Poor thing! Hope your friend is ok! Thanks for sharing.

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