Pixel: new photos and recall video!


New member
Dec 23, 2011
British Columbia, Canada
Pixel: female senegal, hatched Dec 15, 2011
Got some cute photos of Pixel grooming the other day. Unfortunately she has food all over her beak LOL! I guess I can't expect too much from her :rolleyes:

And this one was by far my favorite:

She's also getting quite good with her recall. I'd love to do a neat little montage like some people... I dunno, you guys must just have more arms then me because I found having her land on one arm while holding my iPhone (which she wants to eat) and a treat for her in the other hand to be exceedingly awkward! She's also in the middle of molting her tail feathers so her tail is looking a bit, er, sparse... but look at her go!:


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