Piper and Snowy update


New member
Jul 23, 2012
South Africa
Buster turquoisegrey IRN male, Piper buttercup IRN female. 2 Budgies who will soon be relocating to my brothers home.
Hi, so I will start with Snowy: I paid her a visit last week to see how she is adapting. Snowys doing fine, she is really much calmer and you can allready see improvement in her feather, more specifically her wing condition now she's not thrashing around anymore. I went unannounced and she had clean water, enough fresh food and a very clean cage. I'm sure I made the right decision. As for litlle miss Piper, she has started bluffing, iritating the other ringneck right off his cage poor boy, and has started eating like a pro. So she is such a joy, and I've found a way to calm her when bluffing which I will post in the training section. She does seem to like hubby the most with me coming in at a close second. She does NOT like my sister in law and attacks her face, would like advice on that. Plz, as she doesn't want her near should I just keep her away? Thanking u in advance

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