Can anyone help me it is a Sunday so no vet available till tomm. And I'm not sure how urgent this is. Last night I noticed a pink lump coming out of my cockatoo's vent. She had pooped and squeaked when she did I have never heard her do this. We were away on vacation and not sure if she did this when I was gone. She hadn't done this before I left so this is new. Anyway I went to her to see what was wrong and saw a pink lump coming out of her vent. I was looking around (grosS I know sorry) and in touching it pushed it back in not hard just touched it and it seemed to go back in. So I thought maybe a fluke but just now heard her sqeak again and same thing happened. Does anyone know what this is. Not sure I can take one more of my pets getting sick I have been dealing with X-rays on my horses foot as he has cushings and laminitis, and now this. I am hoping this is nothing!