

New member
Oct 8, 2014
North Carolina
Big Bird _ Blue & Gold Macaw
BB is coming along so well. He is such a joy to watch him discover new things.........

Well except the pinching. It really does not hurt but. Step up ... pinch step down pinch ...... get to close to me and not paying attention pinch .

I also messed up :confused:. When he started stepping up he would hold so tight it would leave small puncture marks or just really red spots. I would say ..... ouch ..... not loud but i would say it ........... now when he wants to be picked up he will say ouch and when he gets on my arm he will say it again . Kinda cute so I have not corrected him.

Anyway is this pinching normal ?

He is trying to beak wrestle but gets to carried away with it so it does not last long.
Yes. Pinching is normal. It's an attention getting thing. All macs pinch. You want them to pinch, rather than bite. So this is progress. What you have to do next is teach him not to pinch so hard.

I'll pay attention without a hard pinch...

Stages of bite pressure:

1. There's biting with intent to injure.
2. There's holding on too tight with the beak, which can inflict injury.
3. There's biting with just not knowing your bite pressure, which can draw blood or inflict injury.
4. There's rough play, that gets carried away, and leave puncture marks.
5. There's hard pinching.
6. There's normal pinching.
7. And there's tapping you with the beak.

Again, you're dialing in the bite pressure training at this point. Keep communicating "that's too hard." The idea is to get them to number 6 on the list. With the occasional number 5.

It's pretty rare to get to number 7, though Maggie is there...

Sweepea still gives me a hard pinch every now and again, when she gets mad. Maggie never has applied significant bite pressure with me, even when we play really rough. (which we do all the time.)

Keep it up. The beak wrestling thing is a very good sign, to me. It means he's opening up, and playing...
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The pinch is not bad . Does not even leave a mark most of the time. Just startling when it started. He would nip before and I would hold his beak and give him a dirty look and say no bite. SO guess Its worked lol. Its just the I KNOW HE IS GOING TO PINCH and waiting for it .

Thank you ! I am so proud of him.
Hello, I may be confused ( an almost normal state ) this must be another bird than BG you joined with ? It depends on what the "pinching" involves. Beaking is a normal form of communication but they should be discouraged from hurting you. I've only lived closely with the one macaw, Luna. She has learned ( mostly on her own ) how much pressure will hurt me and stops before applying it. She has bitten me only once since adolecence. When angry normally she pinches my ear or throws my glasses on the ground. Of the ten that are free in our home the only one that bites me is Barbara's grey only if I put my hand into his cage while putting him into it. Only Luna and the female Alexandrian will bite Barbara. The latter only when being carried up to her sleeping cage. Patience and perseverance has always worked for Barbara and I. Good luck. D.D.
Me again, While I was typing Birdman666 gave gave the reply I should have. I wish to add one comment on point 7. Barbara's Echo went through a period were he took great pleasure reaching out touching with hes beak then apparently with amusement " I'm sorry ".D.D.
The pinch is not bad . Does not even leave a mark most of the time. Just startling when it started. He would nip before and I would hold his beak and give him a dirty look and say no bite. SO guess Its worked lol. Its just the I KNOW HE IS GOING TO PINCH and waiting for it .

Thank you ! I am so proud of him.


Isn't this the same bird that wouldn't come out of his cage, or step up when you got him?!

Sounds like you've come a long way.

Give it another year or two, and you'll really get to the point where he's fully bonded and opened up, and goofy... and your routine will be down...

You end up just not imagining not having that in your life!!! They are so full of joy, and love... and the goofy factor just brings laughter every day.
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Thank you Luna. Yes it is the B&G . He is the only Bird I have :) Thank you for your comment
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The pinch is not bad . Does not even leave a mark most of the time. Just startling when it started. He would nip before and I would hold his beak and give him a dirty look and say no bite. SO guess Its worked lol. Its just the I KNOW HE IS GOING TO PINCH and waiting for it .

Thank you ! I am so proud of him.


Isn't this the same bird that wouldn't come out of his cage, or step up when you got him?!

Sounds like you've come a long way.

Give it another year or two, and you'll really get to the point where he's fully bonded and opened up, and goofy... and your routine will be down...

You end up just not imagining not having that in your life!!! They are so full of joy, and love... and the goofy factor just brings laughter every day.

Yes he is > when I think back to 6 months ago and how angry he was and how confused I was. Guess things work out like they should . I still can't stop him from feeding the dogs the veggies he does not want to eat LOL
Nor will you, EVER! :D

That's the thing. They are emotional creatures. They get angry when they don't get their needs met.

The worst thing you can do to a mac is to lock it up and ignore it! That's their own personal private hell...

And VIRTUALLY ALL the "aggressive macaw" stories you hear, relate back to the bird not getting enough attention, not getting disciplined, or being locked up too much. Those are the three main triggers...
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I also put some Sisal rope in his cage. Tied several knots in it. He preens it and unties the knots. Cheap entertainment :) Saves me to buy other things for him. Harness. I know he is not close to using it but that is our goal. Outside instead of at the screen door.
He seems to have adjusted to our schedule. I worried because I leave before sun up and come home about 5 pm We work on quality not quantity
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LOL They like the green beans but not much else . Its so funny watching him whistle to them and then tossing it. They are also enjoying his Fruitblend LOL

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