Pin Feather Contest


New member
Oct 8, 2014
North Carolina
Big Bird _ Blue & Gold Macaw
Ok so the prize is . Bragging rights to opening more Pin Feathers than any one else. So far I have 6 and only been bit once . It was just a pinch so does not count lol

I am so proud of those neck feathers


LOL it's definitely an accomplished feeling. Dan lets me do as many as he has, sometimes it's been 30-40 during a molt.
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I am up to 14 now. Poor fella. I can imagine what he must have gone thru before he let me help him.
Our DYH Amazon had a whole two on the top of his head. And, for just those two, he was hammering my nose with his beck. Man, am I glad that he didn't have any more!

Sitting comfortably in my recliner. Look-up to see 515g of Amazon circling in landing mode. Perfect landing on my right lower leg. Amazon in Beeline mode come at me quickly, head down and traveling. Stops just short of my face and puts his head down on my chest. Clearly, I didn't react fast enough. Head comes back-up with eye to eye contact and followed by four beck bangs to my nose. Yup, I got the message!

I have no clue where he learned that. It's one of those on-going, every day is a new day World with a rehomed Amazon. :D
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I don't think I qualify to play. As cuddly as Poppy is, hands off her pins.

Those neck feathers are truly lovely, Chris! :) Sweet photos, BB looks great!
I have a few who will allow pin-feather grooming while cuddling. Waiting until the feather is fully developed and absent blood at the base of the shaft makes it less painful.
Hahaha! That's great. I used to spend hours with Avery opening hers, but now that her and Shiko get along swimmingly I've never had to touch any. I do hope that when I (hopefully) have a macaw one day that I'll share the privilege of opening pin feathers like you. It's truly a wonderful bonding experience [emoji4]
Hahaha! That's great. I used to spend hours with Avery opening hers, but now that her and Shiko get along swimmingly I've never had to touch any. I do hope that when I (hopefully) have a macaw one day that I'll share the privilege of opening pin feathers like you. It's truly a wonderful bonding experience [emoji4]

Do not loss that part of your relationship with Avery. At least get a few from time to time!
Hahaha! That's great. I used to spend hours with Avery opening hers, but now that her and Shiko get along swimmingly I've never had to touch any. I do hope that when I (hopefully) have a macaw one day that I'll share the privilege of opening pin feathers like you. It's truly a wonderful bonding experience [emoji4]

Do not loss that part of your relationship with Avery. At least get a few from time to time!

I haven't loss anything relationship wise from her [emoji4]. Shiko is able to get all of her pin feathers in mere moments and it's a great way for them to bond. Avery and I bond every day just hanging out. She doesn't enjoy having me break them open because he does such a good job of it. Instead she prefers to cuddle me, be pet, or just simply hang out with me or train. I'm actually very happy that they get each other's pins [emoji4]
Not one of the birds I've ever had has wanted me to help them with their pin feathers. And they've all been closely bonded with me as their person. So I have never opened a single pin feather! (Guess I lose by default, eh?)

And Christine, I'm proud of BB's neck feathers too!

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