Pics of Jake


New member
Oct 13, 2012
Guelph Ontario
1 red bellied parrot (Mango), 3 cockatiels (Bugsie, Alfie, and Bananas)
Jake decided to come down to see us tonight! His cage is in the dining room, which is a quarter level higher than the rec room. The house is very open-concept and he can fly anywhere in the living room, kitchen, dining room and rec room. He flew down to the rec room where I was playing video games, and scared himself and hid in the corner. He stepped up beautifully, and went right to my shoulder. I was going to take him back to his cage, but I thought maybe I would let him sit with me for a while. As I was walking back to the couch I went past the play stand and he jumped on. Ive left him there for the last hour or so to just watch and be with us while we watch TV. I managed to get some pictures, and he relaxed enough to preen and peep at us a bit. He get scared if we get up, and once I walked too close and he flew off into the window! He stepped up right away, but I think Im going to have those wings clipped for now. The lady at the rescue has left this decision to me and Im too worried that he is going to hurt himself either flying to Mango or into a window. Im so glad he chose to be with us though! He is really making great progress!:rainbow1:


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And more pics!


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Jake is a great looking little guy! I love his coloring! The way the green is shaped on his yellow chest, and his green legs! He looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing the pics!
What a cutie :)

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