Pi: range of colors?


New member
Oct 24, 2014
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I believe that Pi's are not sexually dimorphic (male and females look different) but there seems to be a "range" of tones between photos of different birds -- particularly Dusky (some greyish, some downright lavender) and BW (some appear much more saturated blue.) Is this camera flash? Are some birds more "vivid" than others?

Simply curious!
Photos aren't always accurate. Also PIONUS DO VARY, and quite a bit in the Dusky.
That (a Dusky Pi) :) will be my final bird. Circumstances won't allow me to get another bird right now, but that is the species I would like next.

Bronze Winged like my Raven start out muddy dark greenish, then the dark blue is the color after they get mature plumage. Raven is a late bloomer. He's just barely getting a few blue feathers at 14 months.

The White Cap and Blue Headed fill in their head color over a couple molts too. Maxis (Maximilian) have only a subtle change. These three are the most consistent in coloration and markings from one to the next.
Raven, thanks for the reply. Funny that I was right on about Duskies and BW. :)

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